Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Oct 24, 2020

Record Cold Coming!


Record Cold Coming!
We had almost 70 degree weather last weekend. The low tomorrow morning is supposed to be in the 20's and then in the teens on Monday! Winter is definitely rearing its head. These are record colds if they come thru.  The snow was flying on the infamous Cabbage Hill today in Oregon and the mountains here will get snow for sure. It was 51 degrees this morning when I got up at 7 am, then rained a bit off and on in the morning. It went from 51 down to 46 over about four or five hours and then the wind kicked in. Can't show the wind but the tress are whipping around!

A big cold front from Alaska is hitting us. My husband Dave was talking to his brother this afternoon and he said they were having their coldest weather so far in the Portland, Oregon area. So we wrapped things up in the garden. When it hits 18° mowing is done! Davis did his last mow of the season. We moved most of the potted plants that we can winter over into the garage and composted the rest of the annuals. I decided to try and winter over my Rosemary in the garage this year so I'll see how it does. I've never had much luck wintering over inside the house, so I thought I'll try a cool, but warm area, and let it go slightly dormant. I went out in the coop today and added more pine shavings on their upper roosting area. We have the heated chicken waterer plugged in. I'm going to watch the temperature closely tonight and I'm a turn on the heat bulb since the three new hens have never had weather this cold.  Maybe tomorrow night as well. I'm ready for winter! This local weather guy below is always WAY ahead of the local weather TV folks. He's smart enough to not rely on just historical weather patterns! Gee maybe because the climate is changing. 

Anya is warm so she could care less! 

Covered my French lavender with 4 layers of row cover, worked great last year to winter over. I'll harvest my herbs in a few minutes that are left in my herb box mostly Thyme and Oregano-


Judy said...

Wow that's gonna be cold. Wish we could get some cold here in Georgia. Were about 10 to 15 degrees above normal still. Was 86 here today. In looking forward to some cooler weather. Anya looks so cute in front of the window. She looks so cozy all snuggled in.

Nancy In Boise said...

Wow Judy that's hot! Stay cool!!!

Goatldi said...

48 this morning and sitting on the porch my fresh hot coffee became cold fast. Mornings on our porch may be at an end.

Even when living in an area where we got snow and really cold temperatures my Rosemary did well in the ground without cover. However if a lengthy hard freeze was projected I always covered it with a freeze protection blanket I found at my then local nursery.

Good luck and enjoy!

Nancy In Boise said...

Yes 48 sounds nice and warm there since it's 37 right now! I'm going to try wintering Over My Rosemary in the garage and see how it does, I figured if my geranium can winter over it can as well!

Susan said...

I wish I had a halfway house for my rosemary. I manage to keep it going inside, but it is never as healthy as it was outside. I don't envy you those cold temps! Too soon!!!!

Leigh said...

Oh my, our weather has been so nice I can't imagine winterizing the garden! Your blog title made me go look at our own forecast, and I see we've got frost-flirting temps on the way. Glad you're ready for it!

Mama Pea said...

Yep, it's time for the majority (but not all, I see!) of us to get ready for winter. You may be cold, but we're colder! (No surprise there, eh?) We had 25° this morning, our coldest so far. Now that the strawberries have had a couple of hard freezes, we'll both be out there this morning putting the blanket of heavy mulch on them for the winter. I have terrible luck bringing in herbs to winter-over in the house. The most I've done this year is to pot up and bring in a geranium. So far, it seems happy and is blooming like crazy. Fingers crossed!

Nancy In Boise said...

Yes winter izh, it was 17 degrees yesterday morning a record cold! I have a few things still to harvest my collard greens seem to hang in there and I have a couple of cabbages. I read that collard greens actually get sweeter if you let them freeze outside a couple of times before you harvest them. So I figured why not!

Rain said...

Oooh stay warm Nancy. I hate being cold...I'm like Anya, I need a warm spot! :)

Nancy In Boise said...

I hear you it did hit 17 degrees which was a record low! I decided to be nice to my hens and turn on the heat lamp since the younger ones have not been in that kind of cold before