Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Apr 21, 2020

Jamie Oliver's Egg Mango Chutney Flatbreads, Easy Berry Smoothie, Garden Cleanup/ Barkdust

Jamie Oliver's Egg Mango Chutney Flatbreads-
It's going to be 70 today! I took off our heavy comforter a few days ago and switched to a blanket and quilt. The pollen count is horrendous, itchy eyes and sneezing time, but it will pass. I love being home and listening to the birds and the sound of the pond (Dave filled) gurgling. I'm off work today, but yesterday worked with my window open, had fresh air, so nice. A while back this recipe jumped out at me when I watched Jamie Oliver's show on PBS. This show has only 5 Ingredients Recipes Having our own eggs again, finally, I decided to make it Egg Mango Chutney Flatbreads, I used Trader Joe's mango chutney and subbed red pepper flakes for the sliced red peppers. For some reason they're heard to find except in the summer. The dough was really easy, but I did add a TBL of water as I only had Greek yogurt which was thick. They fried up great, were soft and fluffy! I poached/fried my eggs, since fresh ones can be tough to peel. Smeared the flatbread with chutney, dotted with yogurt, topped with eggs, red pepper flakes, a little salt and pepper. We had this for dinner and was perfect!!! I could see making the flatbread and using different toppings- beans, leftover meats, etc. I may try making some of my own peach chutney when the peaches get ripe. June's coming! I love having an early ripening variety...

Easy Berry Smoothie-
Today with my breakfast poached eggs and whole grain toast I made this Berry Smoothie  I missed the ones they sold at Costco, so I looked for a knockoff. This is it! Basically 1 cup frozen mixed berries and 1/2 cup apple juice. That's all. I used a little extra juice as our frozen strawberries were huge and tough to blend. Sorry I didn't have a clear glass (no straws) but these summer glasses do! It was nice and not too sweet. I could see adding in some pineapple or protein powder for something different. Enjoy!

Garden Cleanup/Barkdust-
We've added lots of homemade compost over the 14 years or so we've lived here. Living in a very hot/very cold climate mulching is a must. It protects your plants, holds in moisture, protects from freezing weather and keeps down the weeds. We buy bark dust every few years, spreading over weed guard fabric. After removing the debris from winter storms it was obvious it was time-

Exposed landscape fabric, yuck


Dave was able to borrow a pickup truck from a friend and bought 2 yards of local bark dust. He had weeded the front yard, I did most of the back. He spread the front and I did the back. Looks great!

Center flower bed

Mulched the 3 fruit trees too

I spent an almost hour just weeding this one bed! Added manure, compost, then the barkdust 

Ditto the blackberry bed, well fed and mulched!

Next on the list! South side yard when we grow beans, storage for winter. I came up with the idea to store the extra chicken wire rolls in the empty compost bin. We stopped composting yearly as the soil level is getting too high. We'll empty the area and I can put the two hens in there for a few hours and let them go to town! Next we'll weed and get ready to plant beans and squash, maybe pumpkins.  

Chicken food!

I had Dave dig up a very sick shrub I'd tried to nurse back to health for several years. It's in the chicken shade area. It's new space to plant, to the left of the shovels-

After we reorganized and build shelves in the our spare bedroom closet we didn't need this indoor/outdoor wire rack-

I brought it outside and put in an area that I can't seem to grow anything. Not sure if it's the soil but everything I've planted there has died since we've lived here. I'll fill the pots with herbs, maybe some small veggies, we'll see! Moving forward with planting more foods! Hopefully the local store will have some veggies in stock, otherwise we'll see how it goes...


Mama Pea said...

You two have been going gangbusters on your outdoor landscaping jobs! It all looks great. I think we're all planning on growing as much food as we can this summer. I've been reading we may be looking at a real shortage of food starting a year from now. The more we all can grow, preserve and store the better off everyone will be.

Nancy In Boise said...

Yes amen sista! I'm in the same thought process, see my new post! Stocking up on veggies while I can and will buy more canning supplies.

Laurie said...

You certainly look like you’ve been busy, it’s so nice to be able to get out and get some work done! In between all of the rain!

Thanks for stopping by the Homestead Blog Hop!

Ridge Haven Homestead

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks Laurie!