Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Dec 14, 2017

Embracing A Simpler Holiday/Christmas Season

Embracing A Simpler Holiday/Christmas Season -
I was talking to someone the other night. I mentioned that I'm getting better to saying "no" during the holidays. No to- too much stuff, too many expectation of something perfect, too much shopping, too much rich food, too much stress. I am saying "yes" to- more quiet, more simplicity, healthier foods, more down time. I was overwhelmed this last weekend trying to decorate. I realized I still have too much stuff. So... I have one box ready for donation, and #2 is in the works. Works for me! I really liked this article, lots of thoughtful ideas- Embracing A Simpler Christmas


Rain said...

I read the article Nancy, I agree with the wolf in sheep's clothing for sure. But ever since I left my old life behind (i.e. family and friends) and became somewhat of a hermit, I find zero pressure with regards to Christmas. Alex and I have a price limit on our gift exchange though sometimes we go over it. One year we only had a $20 limit due to budgetary constraints and we actually stuck to it! I save a little bit of money each month for food and drinks and little presents. For me, Christmas is a holiday I can finally enjoy without all the pressure and stress. We don't go all out on decorations, one tree and some homemade crafts. It's nice and relaxing, as it should be! I think you have the right idea. :)

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

I'll read the article later today, and we downsized quite a bit. I donated much of our knick-knack stuff many years ago, and we still have nice decorations. We are not gifting anything store bought this year. I have a few canned items if I need them, and I am crocheting for the kids with what yarn I have, but that's it. And we are focusing on our blessings, a nice family meal around the table, and a day of play on Christmas day (games, movies, leftovers, and just a do-nothing, be thankful kind of day. That's the plan anyway.

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks Rain and you have the right idea too!

Nancy In Boise said...

Sounds like you're right on track too!

Susan said...

Very good - and timely - advice! As our family ages, it gets easier to simplify. No one has the energy! I have gone to the extreme in the opposite direction; no decorations. But this year I seem to be more in the holiday spirit, so am doing just light touches, here and there. I love your heated water dish!

Nancy In Boise said...

Yes you have to sometimes play to see what works. The heated birdbath was a great thrifted find the birds love it!!!