Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...


Welcome to My Blog!
What a long strange trip it's been! I grew up in the city in smoggy southern California. I was lucky to spend time with a Grandma who baked, sewed, tatted, knit, embroidered, canned, and grew fruit. My Grandpa grew fruit trees, grapes, berries and other edibles on a small city lot. Now living in Boise with my husband Dave, I have three grown girls living nearby, with three grandchildren. I'm a Master Gardener thru the U of and am very interested in Permaculture. We're doing what I call urban homesteading on a standard city lot, in the high desert. I've always worked full time. With years in education, summers off, kids grown and gone, I had the time to master canning and food preservation. Caning and drying homegrown fruits, veggies, fermenting and freezing too! I've always loved to cook and we've started a working pantry. We're trying to eat less processed foods. We have rain barrels, low water landscaping, energy efficient living as much as possible, and are real DIY-ers. We've set up a yearly veggie garden, permanent berries, herbs, 3 fruit trees, and the chickens are happy in our large coop! Our cat Bonnie is a joy to have! I love decorating with a rural European/Swedish folk art style and more. I'm hoping/planning to move to a more rural area and have an acre or two. Add some goats and ducks and I'm set! Fix up one more house... then I'm REALLY done, for good. But life is an ever expanding adventure, so who knows what's next??? Lots to read here feel free to browse the topics!