Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Nov 27, 2015

My Global Visitors!

Sorry it's a bit blurry
My Global Visitors!-
After I'd been blogging a bit I set up a free Cluster Visitor's map so I could check see who was coming from where. I hadn't checked on it for a while. It's fascinating when I do look at it. Today I saw online visitors from all over the U.S., Grenoble France, and Spain. In the past I've seen people from S. Africa, the Middle East, S. America, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Scandinavia and Britain. It such a big global village and so many disparate visitors for such a little blog! Cool!!! Have a great day, I'm off to work~~~


Rose Prairie Quilts and Farm said...

Sometimes it seem also it a very small world.

Wendy said...

I am from teh Netherlands and follow your blog as well!!!


Unknown said...

Thanks Wendy for commenting! Always wanted to go there!!!

Wendy said...

I follow it through a blogfeed (normally) so I think you do not see those readers in your report. Imagine how much more nations it can be!!!


Unknown said...

I do user Statcounter too, so I can see more info as well. Fascinating data~