Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Nov 28, 2015

First Snow Storm, French Country Dishwasher Face Lift

First Snow Storm-
While we didn't get much snow here in Boise this week, an inch or so, we did get a lot more north & east of here. Good for the forests and skiers! I love the way the sun sparkles on the snow! It puts me in the mood to put away my fall decor this weekend and putting up my winter goodies. It was 11 degrees last night, pretty dang cold! The chickens are in good shape with their heat lamp and snug coop. I also bought a "flock block"- Nutrena Scratch Block since one is molting and I thought they could use some extra calories! I put it out in the coop and haven't seen them working on it yet. I put some rolled oats on top to get them started. I laos out out LOTS of wild bird feed as they need some help this time of year. Our heated bird waterer helps too.


Some random snow scenes from our little homestead- 

French Country Dishwasher Face Lift-
I always love a great DIY project and this is one of my favorites! While I'm not a fan of all white, I love the vintage look! Check out the post for more info! It's so nice to customize something, on a budget, that you're not fond of and and come up with something unique! There's lots of other fun junky ideas as well~~~


Mama Pea said...

Although we still haven't had a snow cover, I've been spending the last two days putting away "fall" and bringing out "Christmas." 'Tis a good time for a thorough housecleaning, too, but that certainly does slow down the task!

We're putting together our chick order for this coming spring as we've heard the hatcheries are going to be "sold out" in short order. More and more people realizing raising any part of their own food is a good idea.

Unknown said...

We deep cleaned too. Chicks are usually pretty available here, good to know :)

Jennifer@MyFlagstaffHome said...

That dishwasher door is so creative! Thanks for sharing at My Flagstaff Home!


Unknown said...


Leigh said...

Now that's a very nice snow - pretty and well-behaved. May they all be as mild!