Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Jan 13, 2015

Create A Simple Home Inventory, Aebleskiver Success! Do You See What I See? More Thrifting/Sales, Front Hall Mini Re-Do

Create A Simple Home Inventory-
I had meant to do this for years, then read this- Kiplinger Simple Home Inventory  Really pretty easy, and will save you a huge headache later, if something happens. You may have all those weird items, like I have- Grandma's blue glass toothpick holder from the 1920's, worth $100.00. Add up all the furniture, clothes, books, collections, firearms, tech, etc. it can add up much faster than you think. Just take some simple, but specific photos, and store them. In 2 different places. I'll put one in our little, fireproof safe. and maybe store online.  Better safe than sorry!

Aebleskiver Success!-
With my fondness for Scandinavian things over the years, I remembered Aebleskivers . I had gone to the town of Solvang, CA on a trip with my Dad as a kid. I remember eating these little Danish, luscious puffballs. Then I read about them recently! My daughter got me a gift certificate from Amazon for Christmas, and I found a great deal on a pan. While I'm not a fan of many kitchen gadgets, I got one for myself, as a gift :) It came with a great little cookbook that worked great. I used the basic recipe, with buttermilk and stiff eggs whites. They came out super fluffy, like a cross between a donut and a popover. Yummy!!!

My little pan

Recipe book included

How to make Aebleskivers, from Solvang where I went as a kid!

Do You See What I See?-
No more holidays, now it's all about winter! I'll keep my goodies up another month until it's time for a few Valentine's Day things. Here's a peek- 
Made these

Made this

Over our bed
In the kitchen

And Empress Anya on our new comforter :)

More Thrifting/Sales-
This last weekend we hit a Goodwill thrift store and Lowe's. I found a brand new denim jacket, the chicken trivet, wooden mini-planter, fall napkin holder and flower print. At Lowe's I found 75% off red, felt wool balls and the exterior holiday light bag. Dave loved it!

Anya had to stick her nose in!

Cheap and fit perfect with our front lights
Love the chicken:)

"After" photo

Front Hall Mini Re-Do-
I had this cute little birch, thrifted hanger for a while, but didn't know where to put it-

Over winter break I noticed our dining room looked much nicer. One day I asked myself- what's different? I realized I usually hung my purse, lunch bag and tote bag for work on one of the chairs, kinda messy. I had stored them for break elsewhere-

That day I had a revelation! I could put the hanger in the front hall, under the little shelf. Dave did a quick install, cheap fix!

All better!


Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Your winter decor looks wonderful. I love the chicken trivet too.

Quirky Homemaker said...

I've never even heard of that type of little dessert/pastry thing. Looks yummy. Love that one birch-look wreath. I've seen some of the birch-look paper at a craft store and was looking for something to do. Stopping by from (mis)Adventures blog hop.

Unknown said...

Thanks! I got the birch wreath at Target years ago, love it too...

Unknown said...

Are Aebleskivers like Poffertjes? We have the same pan, but we make Poffertjes. I LOVE Poffertjes!!!! Thanks for sharing at the (mis)Adventures Mondays Blog hop!

Unknown said...

Who knows, maybe? Lots of great cultural cross-connections :)