Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Aug 1, 2012

Mason Jar Candle Holder, Rhubarb Jam, Dave Rocks Garage Re-Do, Thrifting

Mason Jar Candle Holder-
After seeing a mason jar candle holder here at  I decided to make my own, since I had 2 jars with no lids. I like them!

Rhubarb Jam-
I received another batch of free rhubarb from my neighbor-

I decided to make some jam from this recipe,  Rhubarb Cinnamon Jam very easy! I made one batch per the recipe (with 1 extra tsp. cinnamon), then made a 2nd batch with 1 1/2 teaspoon orange extract and a little cinnamon.  I love the pinging in the afternoon of the lids sealing!

Dave Rocks Garage Re-Do-
Dave re-built most of the shelves in our garage yesterday in 95 degree heat. The shelves were sagging and the original construction had been in the emergency mode when we first moved in. He's on vacation this week and was bored apparently! Nice job! Sorry, no "before" pictures.

We gained an extra 10' of room!

I bought this "tea for one" chicken teapot today at a thrift store to sell on eBay, but I think I'll keep it!


Candy C. said...

Cute candleholders but I think I would have to use rocks instead of those lovely beans! LOL!!
Way to go Dave! The shelves look great and so does your "free" rhubarb jam!
You keep coming up with the ca-utest chicken things! :)

Carolyn said...

I've done the same candle holder thing, but with rice or wheat!

And I agree, the chicken tea for one is definitely a keeper :)

Unknown said...

Thanks, I would have used coffee beans like the original, but not enough extra for that...