Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Aug 3, 2012

Dresser Repurposed to Canning Cabinet

Dresser Re-Purposed to Canning Cabinet-
We bought this dresser (left the drawers behind) at a local thrift warehouse last week for $6.00. After reading this Build a Canning Cupboard recently Dave and I thought about doing the same. With our more limited woodworking skills and tools, we decided to keep an eye out for something else. When I saw this dresser (some of the drawers were out) I could see it was pretty heavily built. It has nice, solid shelves and is sturdy. I was able to find a 1 qt. jar in the warehouse to check the shelf height (good idea) and it fit great! It was covered with beat up, cheap, plastic wood-look crap. 

Three coats of antique white satin spray later, it looked nice! It fits perfect in our spare bedroom on the wall opposite our pantry closet. I have room on the bottom for extra jars, and home dehydrated veggies/peppers as well. ..

I also found the 50 cent basket and am using it on top for the extra lids, rings and canning tools-

I don't mind the little bit of paint overspray on the shelves. I like them unpainted...


Susan said...

What a nice job! It really pays to have a way to keep your canned goods organized. This way you can keep track of what you have and not miss a jar for a few years...

Unknown said...

Thanks! It freed up more space in the closet too, and I can have some flexible space...

Candy C. said...

Great find! :)

Thrifty Mom In Boise said...

I really like your new canning cabinet. I also want to make some rhubarb jam. It sounds delicious.

Unknown said...


Akannie said...

Great idea!!!

I have 2 bedrooms with walk-in closets that have been turned into pantries. Works very well. In my kitchen, at one end of my island, I also found a huge homemade bookshelf at a yard sale for 4 dollars, painted it forest green and stood it right up there. lol It's really handy--faces my stove!

Unknown said...

Great minds think alike :)

Katmom said...

Great idea, so easy peasy...p.s. I have the same 'kitty in the garden' print hanging in my guest room...
Love it!