Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Sep 21, 2020

Canning Pears, Autumn Garden Clean Up, Losing Power, Blue Skies/ Birds Are Back, Blogger Legacy Gone/ Problems

Canning Pears-
Last week I finished up canning all the pears, although I left some fresh on the table-

Nice to have so much home-canned fruits! 

I used a ratio between "extra light" and "light" syrup. I asked Dave to decide if I should do a "spiced" pear, he declined. Works for me! This is a good reminder, if you're going to plant some trees, plant fruit trees! And a few different varieties. You can keep, barter or sell if needed. Our apple harvest this weekend was about 20 apples, sad. I do have some frozen from last year, so I may make some apple butter in the next month.

Autumn Garden Clean Up-
It's that time of year! Starting to remove things that aren't producing from the garden. The Lemon cukes were first. I harvested them, then Dave removed the chicken mini-fence. The girls feasted on the leaves! 

Next Dave harvested all the ripe tomatoes, about 1 gallon +, some peppers, then he trimmed them all way back. The trimmings went to the compost bin-

They look naked! 

Still lots left to ripen, will watch the weather closely-

Collards still going great! 

Flowers have rebounded since it's cooled off -

Losing Power-
We lost power here for about an hour Friday morning. I had just started working and heard a loud BAM, then lights out. It was so smoky that at 8:30 am it was dark. Luckily a storm blew in the night and really cleared the air!!! I turned on a LED battery lantern and called the power company. It was on in about an hour. I had already planned to fill and clean my oil lamps. With September being preparedness month I kind of laughed a bit. So this weekend I got them all out, washed and filled, they had been dusty and low on oil-

I also put new batteries in a few small flashlights. They are also ready! We bought new wiper blades for the cars, they were really bad. My car battery died too, luckily it was under warranty and got a new one for $40.00! Glad it died in nice weather in the garage. Dave and I jumped it, and off he went coming home with a new one! 

Blue Skies/ Birds Are Back-
Saturday I realized I was hearing the birds sing. I realized that with the heavy smoke they weren't around-

Smoky skies!

Sunday the sky was an even deeper blue and the birds were singing like crazy! I posted a video/audio on my Instagram, link on upper right. Listen to them! It's amazing. I sat outside for quite a while just listening to them, made me so happy. 

Blogger Legacy Gone/Problems-
From what I can see Blogger "legacy" is gone, can't find it now. It's free so I can't complain too much. I'm sure Google had to update it for all the phones/browsers out there. I have had 0 luck with multiple help tickets on not being able to add HTML code. Shocker. I kept getting "do this and this", when they obviously didn't bother reading my notes that I already had followed the instructions. Duh. I wonder if Google doesn't want people to be able to add codes, like Amazon links, to earn money? What can expect? I also don't like the "labels" feature, the previous drop down menu was easier to see. Anyone else having problems???


Robyn said...

All your canned fruit looks beautiful!!.. I began cleaning up my small garden as well on Sunday. Was going to do a fall garden but dont have it in me right now. I have a lot of LED lanterns that run in batteries but I really want to get some oil lamps with that oil that doesnt smoke or smell. I just think theyre so pretty.. as for blogger, seems they are always changing something with no clear answrrs3. I gave up trying to contact them because they're pretty useless

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks Robin! We don't really plant a fall Garden here because once it gets cold in the winter it's too cold to really grow anything. You can buy lamp oil that's unscented which is what we use. I'm pretty scent sensitive. Yes I hear what you say about the Google blogger people I think it just is what it is. Hope you have a nice Autumn as it's the first day of autumn here!

Mama Pea said...

We had a couple of nights around 31° which zapped the pumpkin and winter squash vines, but now we're back up to the 40s and even 50s over night. Grrrr. I've left the fruits on the vines hoping they're still getting some nourishment from them.

All your canned fruits look wonderful. (I'd vote for no spiced pears, too.)

Glad your air quality has cleared a bit. Not good for man nor beast with all that pollution.

Nancy In Boise said...

You haven't hit the 30s yet but how did hot the 40s! Yes I was thinking about doing some vanilla pairs but glad I just went with plain. The smoke cleared for a few days it was a bit Smoky today but it's supposed to clear up a little bit, just want a big rainstorm

Leigh said...

Love seeing those canned lovelies on your shelves!

As far as I can tell, nobody likes the new blogger interface, but it's kinda obvious they don't care. So they're probably getting so deluged with complaints that they just dump them all in the trash. I read it's been optimized for mobile phones, so my guess is that they're trying to push us all in that direction.

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks I'm trying to resist the urge to open up a jar and try some! Yes I'm sure they're going more for mobile bloggers who don't really write a lot. I think blogging has really morphed into just Facebook and Instagram mostly. I think the days of people sitting down actually reading something for a while may be coming to an end but hopefully not. I remember once somebody comment on my blog that I needed more photos to break it up. Apparently reading a few paragraphs in a row was too taxing for the person...

Laurie Cover said...

I LOVE all of your oil lamps! That’s on my list of things we need for our cabin! Pretty and useful!!

Congrats on your pears!
We have been canning apples and pears this week! The pears are a very hard variety that took forever to cook! We ended up making pear sauce—spiced! 😉

Thanks for coming by the Homestead Blog Hop!

