Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Apr 1, 2020

6.5 Earthquake Hits Idaho and Other States

6.5 Earthquake Hits Idaho-
Just when you think things couldn't get any more exciting during a pandemic we had an earthquake! About 5:50 pm last night I was standing in our dining room, and Dave in the bathroom, when it got really REALLY loud. The house started shaking and it took me a couple of seconds to realize that we were having a full-blown earthquake. I stood in the door way in the kitchen and Dave in the bathroom. The whole house was shaking. I noticed that our TV in the living room looked like it might fall forward and hit the floor. I walked over and stood by it and held it in place. I was away from a window, so I was probably okay, but not my smartest move. It kept going, the local National Geological Society thought it was about a minute or so. Of course it felt like longer. Dave at one point thought it had stopped, but I could feel under my feet. The room was still moving back and forth a bit and our floor lamp chain was swaying. It did freak out our poor kitty. We immediately called our kids and I texted them to warn them about aftershocks. Since I grew up in Southern California and went through a lot of earthquakes, it's not usually just one quake and then it's over. We did have an aftershock probably about 10 minutes later that I felt sitting on the couch. It was moving, and Dave was walking across the house and said he didn't feel anything. The local news reported early in the evening at least 2 aftershocks.

It was centered in Central Idaho up in the mountains. Initially it was reported that there had been a big earthquake in Yellowstone but that was not correct apparently. It brought back a lot of memories of really startling earthquakes when I was a kid. I had seen china come flying out of the kitchen cabinets and windows that were broken. Luckily there was no damage to our house, garage, and coop. A few people on the news head cracked ceilings and minor structural damage. The news had a few reported gas leaks which is not a surprise, especially in some of the older areas in town. An email from my Corporation said that they had immediately inspected all their buildings and things were fine. More news here 100's of Aftershocks Possible

The USGS said it was reportedly felt in Washington, Montana, Wyoming, Utah and Nevada. This earthquake was less than two weeks after a good sized quake hit Salt Lake City in Utah. That one was a 5.7-magnitude earthquake. My husband's company headquarters is there, which caused concern. The last big quake here was in 1983, in the mountains in Borah Peak. Hopefully we won't have any more soon!


Mama Pea said...

Omigosh! Glad to hear you are okay and your house didn't suffer any damage. Can't quite imagine how an earthquake would feel. The closest we came to a natural disaster was back in Illinois when a tornado tore a path across country less than 1/4 mile from us. The forces of nature!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

That's a good little shaker for Idaho.

Nancy In Boise said...

Yes for sure

annies home said...

we were just talking about earthquakes the other day Here in Southern Illinois they promise we are due for one. SO sorry this happened to you all hope all is o.k.
come see us at

Goatldi said...

Welcome back to California. Rather an earthquake then a tornado. But then it all depends on what one is accustomed to. Glad there was no damage to your property

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks Annie yes everything is going well the only big aftershocks have been way up in the mountains so quite a bit ways from us

Nancy In Boise said...

Yes I would rather a short earthquake as well! Tornadoes can wipe out entire towns in a few seconds really sad to see the news back east in the Midwest, thank you

Cockeyed Jo said...

Nancy, Thank God you and yours are safe. Anywhere near mountains is a or many fault lines. That's what created the mountains in the first place. Living in the north GA mountains we've had one which shook the house it might have been a 2, but that's enough. I'd just rather not experience it again. I'm unsteady enough on my feet as it is.

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks yes we've been fine. A lot of minor aftershocks even yesterday up in the mountains areas but nothing we felt here. I've been a lot worse in Southern California that was a really long time ago. We're just waiting for the weather to warm up!

Leigh said...

Yikes! As if you don't have enough to be concerned about! Hopefully, no more!

Nancy In Boise said...

Yes it was really a shock at the time trying to figure out why my house was shaking? Only one Aftershock that we felt so so I think we're done for now