Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Oct 19, 2018

We Lost Pru

Pru on the Left

We Lost Pru-
I had a pretty stressful week this week going back to work full-time after my hand surgery but I survived. It's frustrating mousing on the computer with your left hand when you're a righty! I had kind of a weird experience leaving my work building today which I won't get into here, but pretty odd. I went out to dinner by myself since Dave had to work late, really relaxed and had a nice meal.  I went home and was giving Anya the cat some love and looked out the back yard window. My black hen was in the yard laying down. Sometimes they take dust baths and kind of doze off or just hang out. From what I could see she was not moving at all, not a good sign. I hustled out and my beautiful Pru was cold and very dead. She was quite a bit bigger than in the photo above, pretty well full grown and a beautiful black Australorp. The only thing I could see was that her neck appeared to be broken, and she had a pretty major wound on her side. I suspect it was a hawk attack. That's kind of odd if it was a hawk, that it didn't eat more? I'm not sure if there's a possibility that the four hens drove off a hawk or maybe it was an immature hawk? I don't know, which is a little frustrating but regardless we lost her. One less hen but what can you do? Sigh...


Mama Pea said...

Sorry to hear you lost Pru. A couple of weeks ago, we found one of our female Muscovy ducks on the ground dead. We, too, figured it was a hawk (or perhaps owl) attack. But why didn't they take her body away to consume?? Or do more damage to her on the ground if she was too big for them to carry off? Some of these deaths are never solved.

Nancy In Boise said...

Yes I understand and it is sometimes interesting how these things happen and sad. I always figure I'm going to lose it hand due to illness or a big injury like my one white hand that fell off the upper Coop area period. She just never recovered from the broken pelvis or whatever it was

Goatldi said...

I am very sorry to hear of your loss of Pru.

Could it have been a four footed? It has been over two years now that I lost 22 hens and their rooster to fox. I know for a fact it was a gray and apparently the vixen and potentially a kit or two or?? got in through a 2.5 inch space. Several heads were removed and a few had a bit or two but they were all in the area and the perpetrators gone. Early morning pre dawn attack and I believe that it was more for teaching a kill to the kits than for food only. Judging by the pattern of the kill. Not uncommon for Mama's to teach their young. Do you have raccoon or opossum in your area?

Pat @ bringingfrenchcountryhome said...

Hi Nancy! I'm so sorry to hear about Pru. What a beautiful bird. I'm sure it was difficult to find her. I always enjoy reading your comments on my blog and I thank you for your loyalty and friendship. My heart goes out to you on your loss. Hugs, Pat @ Bringing French Country Home

Nancy In Boise said...

Nowhere in an urban area and I don't think that was the case. We do also have a lot of hawks in the area and had an attempted Hawk Attack a couple months ago that I saw.

Theresa Y said...

So sorry to hear about Pru.

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks she was a sweetie :)