Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Sep 30, 2017

Rainy Saturday, Independence Days, Grandtoddler River

Rainy Saturday-
We woke up to a slightly damp yard, but the sun was out by noon. The forecast had been for quite a bit of rain. Happy they were wrong! Cool, breezy and perfect fall weather. Jeans and flannel shirt weather! A little heat on in the morning, nice by evening. I put the comforter on the bed, switched out some work clothes. When I retire my wardrobe will be much smaller! Shorts and tee shirts for summer, flannel/fleece tops and jeans for winter. I'm a low maintenance gal by choice. Trees are starting to change color-

Deck flowers are blooming more with the cooler weather!

Anya always remembers the heating vents are , when it cools down-

Independence Days-
Here's a recent list of things we've done recently...

1. Plant Something- My two small lavenders, now that the heat subsided. We don't do "fall planting" here basically, the weather's too erratic. Yesterday was 78, today 63, dropped 20 degrees in two days.

2. Harvest Something- Several kinds of peppers, tomatoes ditto, except most of the red ones, still green. Eggs, herbs.

3. Preserve/Store Something- Froze sale artisan breads ($1.99! each), frozen lunches, salami, pesto.

4. Manage Reserves- Get a Good Deal/Barter/Stock Up/Prep- I went to the Grocery Outlet on my way home from work and got some really great deals again. Italian bread, dry salami, frozen organic lunches, hair conditioner, protein sticks, Danish Jam, 2 HUGE acorn squash (.50 each), I had to get this little guy cause he was just too cute, $1.50, and solid wood- 

5. Eat the Food- Try New Foods/Recipe- I received my cookbook from the Library, with tons of great recipes. Here's a few I want to try, many including Kefir-

Kinds of like pancakes but very different

Fried flat breads with Feta

Fermented tomatoes! Who knew???

I had a $10.00 free coupon from Cost Plus and bought two of these to try-

They're lean pork, smoked over actual wood, brine-packed, and shelf stable. It's the Meica Frankfurter , and more info here- I want to try with some kraut for a quick meal. I like the fact they're smoked over wood and not just smoke flavored. 

6. Build Community Food Systems- I got several pounds of dead ripe tomatoes from a patient at our clinic. May not be organic, but delish! Especially since mine aren't ripening too well. I may have to ripen mine indoors depending on the upcoming weather. I made a nice batch of fresh salsa! I also used some with several home grown peppers, Italian bread, salami and a little cheese-


7. Recycle/Re-Use- I cleaned up our old camping wash basin (now vintage!) that we bought years ago at a yard sale. It had been stored in the garage and I realized it would be perfect for seasonal items on our coffee table. It's funny how you buy someone's old basin for camping, years later it's "shabby chic" decor!

Faux squash/pumpkins from Hobby Lobby, $2.00, Home Depot burlap pumpkin, 
left over school paper leaves

8. Skill Up- Learning about Eastern European cooking. I watched Part one and two of How To Stay Young  on PBS. I think it's on YouTube too. REALLY fascinating stuff!!! Very useful information. 

9. Regenerate What is Lost/Salvage Something- Brought in some peppers that are supposed to redden (Italian) to ripen indoors. Too chilly right now. Leaving the rest on the vine to observe. Re-tailored some slacks that had stretched out, just took in the waist. They fit now!

Grand Toddler River-
We had the pleasure of having River here for a while today. We don't see him as much as we used to for job change reasons. We're doing an over-nighter next week, while his parents take the night off for their anniversary. He's a great eater, is walking and very good at entertaining himself. He loves everybody and has always been a very loving child. He had a snack, a home baked blueberry muffin, but was a bit tired. He soon took a nice nap then woke up. More snacks, then playtime!

Exploring the backyard for the first time walking-

Running to Grandpa

Sitting on the deck in the BIG chair

Sitting in his own (thrifted) folding chair

Checking out the pond

We babysit our other Grand baby Oliver every other Saturday morning thru early afternoon. He's crawling and starting to talk, his light blonde hair is growing in, really a fun personality!

Yes, he has his own phone!


Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

You reminded me that I need to pull my habanero peppers today. I found out that they have more antioxidants than jalapeno peppers. Loos like you have been busy cooking too.

Nancy In Boise said...

Yes,I pulled my peppers yesterday too

Susan said...

Your grandsons are adorable! How nice for all of you that you can spend quality time with them. I need to get out in my garden and do a thorough cleaning - it's pretty dire looking right now. There are quite a few great recipes in that book. It's fun to try different ethnic cooking to spice things up.