Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Jul 8, 2017

DIY Cheap Wheelbarrow Rehab, Thrifting Scores!!! Master Bedroom Potential Wall Color

After shot

DIY Cheap Wheelbarrow Rehab-
It is HOT. 103 yesterday, 102 right now at 6:00 p.m. We're been watering a lot, but we always mulch everything well. Dave just planted 2 more tomatoes and 1 pepper, and spread more manure. The hot weather veggies are doing great, with tons of berries this year! The Blackberries, Marion berries and Raspberries are LOADED. We're going to pick/bag/freeze as they ripen so I can make some pies, jams, etc. It's easy to eat a few here and there, then they're all gone. With the heat we are thankful we have good A/C in the house and cars. We use ceiling fans a lot, have insulated curtains, and dress for the weather. I'm keeping the chickens cool as well. So here's how we....

We've had this wheelbarrow so long I'm not quite sure how old it is? Dave said about 22 years? It had some rust but mostly needed a rehab to preserve it longer. Here's a DIY guide to doing this yourself! Our cost was about $15.00 for paint and replacement nuts/bolts. The color for the paint that I suggested was green, instead of the old blue-

Before picture, 

Dave did this while I was at work so I couldn't get a shot of the inside, mostly just beat up, scratched, etc. The wood handles were in really bad shape, dried out and varnish worn off. First get out the tools you'll need, mostly a screwdriver and crescent wrench. Take it all apart. About 1/2 of the nuts and bolts shattered when Dave did this, pretty rusty-

Set aside to count later and replace with new-

From a big box store

Dave bought black Rustoleum paint for the handles and braces, used a canvas tarp. Wire brush and lightly sand the bad spots. Make sure you get all the angles, and he did 3 coats on the handles- 

2 coats of paint later! All green :)

Tires still fine!

Underside back together

I think we're good for another 22 years! You can buy new handles, which we tried to do, but couldn't find the right size. 

Thrifting Scores!!!
Speaking of saving money... I hit Goodwill today running some errands. Boy did I score! Here's the haul (except the baby clothes and a blouse) all for a little more than $20.00 bucks-

Still had the new tags on it, about 8" wide, $2.00

French Country HEAVY ceramic bread box, $4.00!


New home :)

Whale Welcome sign, I fixed the broken string

I really miss the ocean after moving to Boise, so I put out beach things in the summer. Brings back memories! We're hoping to go to Portland and maybe the coast, but we have to see how it goes...

Love the twigs and small boards!

Deep Oak frame, glass on 2 sides with beach items, you can rotate for a different look!

Stainless steel lined, new, had a small dent on the cup

I bought 4 baby shirts, a pair of baby short, and a work blouse for me. What a score!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Master Bedroom Potential Wall Color-
I am planning on painting our master bedroom this next Labor Day week, since I have the week off. Dave showed me how to Photo Shop the potential wall color, a light gray. While it's a little darker/green than I want, it's close, and I'm a visual person-

It gives me an idea to work off of. We really love the white/gray color in our master bath-

I may use the exact same color, but I will get paint chips when it's closer. Dave has adamantly vetoed painting the bedroom set. So it's wall paint, maybe rotate/ relocate some bedroom art, etc. What do you think??? I can live with the furniture, just wanting something lighter. 


Diana said...

I completely understand about the ocean. New here in Boise from Colorado, I'm thinking of starting a Meetup group for women who want to carpool to the coast once a month from May to Sept!

Nancy In Boise said...

Welcome! My husband and I try to go about once a year and it's always really nice. Can't get seafood fresher than that and I always try to hit IKEA on the way back haha

Susan said...

Nice job on your wheelbarrow! It looks marvelous! I have the worst time with paint colors - it's so difficult to imagine a whole wall of color from a small paint sample.

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks, except for the dangers that looks almost brand new. Photoshop was really helpful, but I still like looking at the bathroom wall for inspiraton!

Rain said...

The wheel barrow looks great!

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks, Dave did a great job and cheap too :)