Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Jan 1, 2017

Little Homestead Mini Year in Review, After Holiday Deals/Thrifting, Kitchen Cabinet Organizing Re-Do

Little Homestead Mini Year in Review-
It's been a crazy couple of weeks, with our new Grand baby Oliver, holidays, record snow and cold, with more to come! We had almost 8" of snow in 2 days last week, single digits coming this next week and it's snowing!


We put birdfood out today and the squirrels came out big time! 

We had a lot of things happen at the Little Homestead this year, the most fun the additions to our family! Here's a snapshot of some of the big projects, etc. that happened-

We re-painted our house, still love it!

Sadly one after effect of our house painting was my wrenched back :(   I didn't post about it here because it was so awful. I wound up having severe nerve pain down my right leg from my L3 disc pushing on my spinal cord. After Xrays I went to an excellent Chiropractor, and after VERY intensive work, I'm about good as new! No injections, no surgery. I'm happy. Then... hand surgery- 

I had severe pain from my left thumb from bone rubbing on bone. Chunk of bone removed in late Oct., with a new structure created to support upper thumb bone. I had the cast for 10 days, then went to my "Terminator" brace-

the knob loosens the wires to take off

Now I'm wearing a neoprene soft support, doing stretching, pain gone, most of my grip strength still intact!

We hosted a baby shower for daughters Tami, then later Angie. We had a really great harvest season in the garden, with the soaker hoses helping quite a bit. For $10.00 each a great investment! 

Got our first peaches!

Nice harvest of huge pears

a small sampling of our veggies

Our old shed area was very productive with beans!!! 

I made frozen applesauce/apple slices, not enough time to can. Got several nice batches of tomato sauce too!

Chalk painting projects

There was lots of thrifting, and re-did our extra room with baby gear :) Free or thrifted!

I settled into my job, that's going well. I really MISSED the summer off and holiday time as well. Not much time for baking, etc. We babysat River yesterday and he's so BIG! Seven months, wow! My adult kids are all well, hubby too. 

The chickens doing well, survived their molts and are laying 2-3 eggs per day again, even in this long, dark winter!


I signed up for a free kit from our local Electric power company- free LED bulbs, shower head, faucet aerators, great stuff AND FREE! A very good price.

We bought a nice, larger, more reliable washing machine after ours died. It's been great! We didn't do a big vacation, with medical bills and "stuff". There's always more to reflect on, but those are the big things I can remember! 

Walmart, A birch star with LED lights, $3.00-

After Holiday Deals/Thrifting-
I bought some winter outfits for baby Oliver (born in winter) at Goodwill last week, all fleece and warm! He inherited a lot of new clothes from his cousin River, born in the summer. No warm clothes though! Grandma to the rescue. For $10.00 I got 4 fleece outfits with tops/bottoms, 1 long sleeved top, and 4 infant hats. I also was at Walmart and got these after holiday deals, 70% off, as well as some bows and 2 more stockings for babies-

A cute, round plastic tablecloth for a DIY no sew tree skirt

From Lowe's, perfect for my Yule shelf! $3.00 each

Off to Goodwill tomorrow as I deep cleaned some closets again. And speaking of organizing...

Kitchen Cabinet Organizing Re-Do-
While Dave and I had a few minutes today (3 day weekend) I swapped some contents of 2 cabinets. I always had to get down on my hands and knees for bake ware etc. So we emptied out all the contents, some was extra for the big pantry, some trash, some chicken treats (stale millet). We had the good sense when we had the cabinets re-faced to put in 2 corner pull out trays-

Cleaned out and empty

I added bake ware, microwave containers

Sorting foods

Foods moved into other cabinet, with storage containers

I even unearthed a 1 Qt. vintage jar with milk glass lined lid and a handle. What to fill it with? Dried lavender or??? 


Unknown said...

I hope you and yours had a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and are having a very HAPPY NEW YEAR. May we display your header on our new site directory? As it is now, the site title (linked back to its home page) is listed, and we think displaying the header will attract more attention. In any event, we hope you will come by and see what is going on at

Nancy In Boise said...

Yes that's fine