Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Nov 19, 2016

U.S. Winter Is Here Forecast, Ocean Themed Baby Shower

U.S. Winter Is Here Forecast-
It's that time of year, leaves are almost completely off the trees here, nights into the 20's and 30's. Brr, baby it's cold outside! From some of the long range forecasts I've read it will be an interesting winter. I read this and they were right with the early storms in the N.W. We had our first big one last month. More to come I'm sure! Here's what our backyard looked like this morning-

Our huge maple tree is almost bare

Our cold weather gear is out, Today Dave mowed up all the leaves, put the mulch in the compost pile and flower beds, and deep cleaned the coop. Tomorrow we'll run the cord out to the coop to keep the waterer from freezing. Our freezer is full with produce from the garden harvest and our small house is warm and snug. This year I have the day before and after Thanksgiving off work to have a nice family gathering and enjoy our company. Next, I'm dreaming of a white Christmas :)


Ocean Themed Baby Shower-
My youngest daughter Angie and her husband Chris are expecting my second grandchild (another boy!) next month. They just moved into their first home and are nesting away. I was too busy last weekend to blog, but took some fun photos! I got the crabwiches idea from Pinterest and everyone loved them! I stuffed them with a real crab meat mixture, very tasty. We had lots of food, including shrimp, a pineapple upside down cake, and more yummy. My daughter Michelle and Angie's friend Katie helped with the living room decorating, with lots of oversized balloons, etc. I brought out my "beach table" things for the dining room table. I did this on a tight budget getting lots of wrappings at the dollar store. We ate, laughed, play Baby Jeopardy and opened gifts. We gifted a new white 4 In One crib and mattress for the baby. Dave had made a solid wood cradle for the girl's before they were born, and now Angie will use it for her son Oliver. Time just circles back sometimes doesn't it?

Lots of foods!

For flowers I bought Eucalyptus and Baby's Breath, reminded me of sea foam

Mr. Turtle

Dave's handmade cradle full of gifts, Jeopardy game board, our crib under fabric.

My daughter Michelle's original art for the nursery, cute!


Susan said...

That octopus is adorable! Looks like a wonderful party - that cradle is a treasure.

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Love how you did everything for the baby shower. What a beautiful cradle too.

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks Susan, yes it's a part of the family :)

Thanks Kristina! I enjoy putting gatherings together....

Mama Pea said...

What a blessing to have another grandchild on the way! And a beautifully done shower for the mom-to-be.

When our daughter was born, my cousin loaned us an antique cradle that rocked to use. She hadn't had any children of her own at that time, but it was the cradle she and her brother had used as babies.

We're all moving into winter time in a rapid way now. Just in time for the holidays! Yippee!

Leigh said...

The crabwiches are so clever! Love the ocean themed idea.

You certainly are a few steps ahead of is in regards to fall. We still have leaves! Not for long, though.

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks Mama and yes it seems like time is getting shorter and shorter into the holidays

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks Leigh Pinterest has tons of ideas for baby showers it's awesome and our trees are really looking bare!