Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Mar 6, 2016

Road Trip- Chinese Gardens, Ikea, A Finishing Touch, Spring is Here! Front Yard Food


Road Trip- Chinese Gardens, Ikea, Front Yard Food, A Finishing Touch-
This winter I was so ready for a mini-vacation, so Dave and I decided to take 3 work days off and go to Portland to see his family. We were able to stay with some family and that really helped stretch our $$$. We left Wed. and just came back last night (Sat.) Our middle daughter Michelle went with us, even more fun! The weather wasn't bad, wet, but mild, typical spring Portland weather. The shocker was so many flowers were in bloom! It was gorgeous!!! We decided to go to the downtown Chinese Garden, especially beautiful with the Camellias on display. We had tea in the tea house and I had my first "moon cake" and was treated by live Chinese fold music. What a treat...

Mimicking Chinese mountains and rivers

I love the pebble pattern

very fragrant

It's the year of the Monkey!

Another "mountain"

I love the metal tiles!

Love the moss

a large waterfall inside the "mountain"

the structures against the skyscrapers

sun trying to break thru

an abundance of plants, flowers and trees

I had planned to go to Ikea and Michelle needed some things for her new apartment, so Dave decided to pass. Three hours later we emerged, we did take a lunch break, so it really wasn't THAT long. I found a few things I had planned to buy then a few other things-

some fun green dishtowels

sponge/cloth wipes, I LOVE these! 4 for $2.00

2 enamel pitchers, dishcloths (red ones were .79 cents each!), like grain sack stripes, kinda farmish :)
Got a new stainless steel skillet, $10.00, nice and heavy

A finishing touch for our bathroom makeover, finally!- 

Ikea finally had some GREEN heavier towels for sale!!!

Not sage, not moss, not olive but GREEN, love them!!!

I got this smaller, much-needed cast iron baby at Goodwill for $5.00, score! Nothing beats it for baking, frittatas, etc. If you know me from this blog you know I had to hit a thrift store! 

Speaking of green, it looks like Spring is here!

grass greening up

Rhubarb is up already and blackberries too

Volunteer violas in the turf

From Google, summer shot 

Front Yard Food-
I spotted this house on the way out of Portland and asked Dave to go back. The top photo is from Google since I wanted to see the full front yard. You can tell it's in summer. My shots below show the amazing way the home owner's use their space to grow food, quite inventive!

Little greenhouse and removeable roof

Simple trellises

cold frames, nice ground covers

Espalier fruit?

looks like leeks :)



Mama Pea said...

Loved seeing all your pictures, but oh, those flowers and blossoms! Just gorgeous!

Nancy In Boise said...

I had no idea things would be blooming like that yet!!!

Susan said...

WOW! That was some post! It had everything - flowers, gardens, great ideas, IKEA!

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks so much! I always have to go to Ikea :) You could get lost in there!!!

Leigh said...

Great photos Nancy! The house is an inspiration.

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks! And yes it is! I was glad I spotted that place :)