Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Nov 22, 2014

What A Difference 40 Degrees Makes!

What A Difference 40 Degrees Makes!
Monday the low was 4 degrees, right now it's 44, a tropical heat wave!!! The rain started last night, and it was pretty heavy. This morning it's all melting, and there's actually green grass still. The snow came down hard and fast on top of the grass, so it never went dormant. Looks pretty weird with a lot of leaves still on the trees. The snow came so early in the year they never really fell. Well, they're falling now! A big wet mess. Hopefully when it dried up this next week we can get everything raked. I let the girls out earlier and the attacked the green grass! I always give them fresh greens when it's really cold- spinach mostly, which they love! I just gave them some grains and put them into the coop to dry out. Poor girls had very muddy feel. They seem to not mind the cold mud as much as my earlier chickens. They LOATHED wet feet. These 3, not so much. I'm leaving them in a bit to warm up a bit and dry out.

Muddy girls!

Lots of leaves to rake :)

A HUGE yellow jacket nest the snow and rain blew down. About 12" across!!!

Last week- 8" of snow


Rose Prairie Quilts and Farm said...

Nice to have such hardy girls. Makes life easier. Boy did it get cold there. I thought 14 was cold. We are getting a little warmer too. Love your new tea lot. Ill have to check it out.

Unknown said...

:) You naughty girl.... Yes, 4 is too darn cold...

Unknown said...

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