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Sep 6, 2014

Selling Tech to Tots: The Downside

Selling Tech to Tots: The Downside-
There's LOTS of money to be made off uninformed people who thinking if a little technology is good for them, it's great for their young kids! I get so frustrated reading all the excuses people make for sticking their child in front of a screen. It's "educational" therefor it's ok. Parenting is exhausting no doubt, but that's what you signed up for. And there's things like babysitters, and child care swap friends! If you want an easy, restful life, don't have kids. Not everyone is cut out for it. I see first hand every day the trouble with getting kids hooked on devices. I had to explain to a 6th grader recently that ebook aren't always a good idea, that batteries can fail, wireless can fail, devices crash. She just didn't get it. With no power you just have an expensive piece of plastic, a nice paperweight. A Special Ed teacher told me years ago that the "baby Einstein" kids would probably all become ADHD over time. That was what the scientific research showed. Great. You want your kids to be smarter and you wind up with a damaged child. But someone made some $$$. 

I read a post recently that really brought together all the bad reasons why young kids shouldn't be using technology, or much of it at all. As a very busy Mom who worked full time and raised 3 very bright kids, and is VERY techy, I would say there's all kinds of problems there. Scientists have been warning for several years about the damage done to the wiring of young kid’s brains by putting them in front of TVs, Ipads, devices. Not to mention the radiation coming off the devices. 10 Reasons Why Devices Should Be Banned For Kids Under 12  by The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Canadian Society of Pediatrics. Educators are seeing this too (I’m one). Kids with no patience, glued to screens and not interacting with people, lack of social skills, etc. I read people are putting their kids in bed to chill with a device, never a good idea. No child should ever be alone with tech. As a tech support person I know that technology can fail, devices can overheat, stuff happens. Our Roku2 had to go back to the store a while back, as it was so hot it almost melted. Could have started a fire. Kids should be able to go relax or go to sleep with a night light, a book, a stuffed animal, and someone who loves them. Kids can do this really strange thing and go outside and run around! It doesn't take much to take 10 minutes and read a book to your child, sing to them and hold them to help them relax. Relaxing music is wonderful too- have them close their eyes and think about what the music would look like? Use their imagination! It’s just so much better to cuddle a person than a piece of plastic. They’ll have plenty of time to be techy later, and then they are all done with the cuddling stage. Good article here too-

amen to that


Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Unfortunately, our public school does not shy away from assignments that require a computer. My one daughter had to fill out a paper, answering questions to a teacher. She wanted to know every type of electronic we owned. First, to me this is an invasion of our privacy, and two, school's rely way too much on internet research. What ever happened to visiting a library and getting information from a book? Ah....yes, I hate to see toddlers using a tablet at the gym, while Mommy works out. Hmpf.

Unknown said...

I hear you. As a librarian I'm always books first, databases last :)

Unknown said...

Great post, thank thank you so much for sharing in the HomeAcre Hop! Hope to see you again tomorrow! - Nancy The Home Acre Hop

Margo said...

good point about not everyone being cut out to be parents - some people are just not willing to invest the kind of time it takes! And that doesn't mean doting on the child and helicoptering - just paying attention to what is most nurturing for them (and I think a fair amount of benign neglect and running around outside is the ticket!!).

Unknown said...

Yes, exactly! Yes playing with friends, art, exercise, music, sports, it all make for more of a rounded person...