Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Jul 19, 2014

Hey You Idahoans! Handsome Young Man Needs New Home

My hubbies photo

Hey You Idahoans! Handsome Young Man Needs Home-
I know a few of my readers are from my area, so I thought I'd post this. Well you know how it goes- the hatchery gave me 2 pullets, and 1's a roo. Here's Fiona, or Fred, as we now call him. He's a really sweet little guy, about 3/4 months or so old. I bought in in early May, I think he was 2-3 weeks old. He's easy to handle and loves treats. He growing well and very healthy. I REALLY want to keep him, but no roos in the city. My birds are very clean and well cared for in a large urban coop with run. He's just starting to get some amber and light brown in his feathers, and should be quite handsome! I'd really like him to go into a small flock, and for someone to keep him. So if you are looking for a 4H project, a nice boy for your hens, please contact me and we will set up a pick up. No dinner chickens here please. Adults will have different color variations, but will tend to be white/brown/tan. Please email if you have any questions? He's ready for pick up any time... Thanks, Nancy

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