Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Jul 16, 2014

Fire Season Has Started, Vintage Farm Fashion, Cute Retro Aprons!

This morning, taken with my cell camera

Fire Season Has Started-
Sadly I knew this was coming. Every year we have forest fires, but it varies in the severity. This winter was pretty dry, never good for fire season. I hope for a really heavy snow pack every year. I noticed smoke last night, and woke up to more. The top photos was taken down the street towards our foothills, which you can barely see. There are fires in Oregon, with smoke drifting here too. Quite a few are now burning in the local Boise National Forest. I hope they get contained quickly. Droughts make for a very tough summer of fire fighting...

Farm dresses from The Country Farm Home

Vintage Farm Fashion-
I stumbled on to this great site Vintage Farm Fashion  I grew up with a Grandma who wore house dresses and/or aprons constantly. Not the frilly retro 50's/60's ones you see now, but the real thing- longer, simple, for actual cooking, baking and wiping of hands. Most were homemade sewn. Great stuff on that site! Another nice photo of some vintage aprons below. It gets me itching to get some patterns and sew some! Very similar to what my Grandma wore...

Cute Retro Aprons!-
And now for something modern! I went to a little farmer's market out in Eagle, not too far from Boise. I found this cute little stand that sells aprons! They have great designs! Their website is here Apronsbybella  Now if they sold some 1920-30's style I might buy one :)

She's got her apron on too!


Michelle said...

We usually have had at least two fires in the Tehachapi area by now. So far we haven't had any. With the warm winter and no rain I thought for sure we would have more this year . Don't know how we got this lucky. But I hope it keeps up.

Unknown said...

I hear you. I hope they get these out fast or this hot weather will multiply them :(

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

I love that old style of apron. It's my favorite.

Unknown said...

Me too, simple and elegant...

Susan said...

Oh, I love those vintage aprons! I love the farm dresses, too. This is such a dangerous time of year for those with the threat of fires hanging over their heads. I hope you get through it with no major problems.

Susan said...

Oh, I love those vintage aprons! I love the farm dresses, too. This is such a dangerous time of year for those with the threat of fires hanging over their heads. I hope you get through it with no major problems.

Unknown said...

Yes, the smoke is REALLY bad this morning. It looks really hazy, and smells really smoky. Hopefully the wind is supposed to shift soon... hack, hack...

Debbie said...

As a child I remember the ladies of the family wearing house dresses for cleaning/washing/cooking with similar aprons. Some of the elderly aunts never wore slacks. Fun memories - makes me want to sew up a couple aprons too!

Unknown said...

Me too, my Grandma always wore "house dresses" unless she went out. All hand made on her old Singer machine...

Tracy said...

I collect vintage aprons and loved what you found. I love how aprons change over the years but their function stays the same. A place to wipe little noses, sticky hands, quick spills, a dusting rag, a clothes protector and a great big pocket to hold whatever is important. Today mine held eggs from the barn and a cell phone. What a crazy combination!

Unknown said...


Lady Locust said...

I really should remember to wear an apron once in a while. They are just beautiful. I am just up and over the hill from you NE Oregon. Lived down where it is burning for a few years & know lots of folks loosing stock, out buildings etc.

Unknown said...

Yes, that's always sad....

Unknown said...

Loved your post, especially all about the aprons! I remember my "adopted" grandma wearing one every day of her life too. Why did that tradition stop?? Congratulatins, you were selected as the feature for Simple Saturdays Blog Hope!! Hop on over and grab your button and please stop on by this weekend!!