Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Feb 16, 2014

Jet Stream/Polar Vortex Becoming Unstable, Back To Brown, Independence Days Challenge

Jet Stream/Polar Vortex Becoming Unstable-
Really an interesting article here- Jet Stream/Polar Vortex Are Becoming Unstable What's scary is the idea that not only will winter become more severe, as we've seen, but also the summers. More severe summers equals greater heat and drought. Not a good thing for farmers and folks who want to be more self-sufficient like myself. This may be the "new normal". Still thinking I may need to add more rain barrels...

Back To Brown
After being very cold early in the winter (7 degrees), then getting some snow recently, we're in the high 40's. We had lots of rain this last week. I walked out of a building yesterday, and it was 47, windy, with brown leaves blowing around. It looked like November! Right now it's about 46, with a good 25+ mph wind. It should cool off later in the week, but these temperature swings are crazy! I hope my poor yard won't suffer too much. In these kind of temps things can start to bud, then freeze. Not good. I hope things stabilize. At least while the wind was blowing today we had some blue sky!

Girls enjoying some dry, sunny time

Blue sky! No fog or inversion!!!

Independence Days Challenge- 
1. Plant Something- Getting some seeds ready for late spring. Too early to do anything here yet. I was hoping we got get a small greenhouse, but I don't think it's going to happen. Too many other things going on that needs to be fixed.

2. Harvest Something- Egg production is up!

3. Preserve/Store Something- Using the freezer as always this time of year.

4. Manage Reserves- Get a Good Deal/Barter/Stock Up/Prep- I keep loading up weekly with local, artisan, organic breads from the grocery outlet. Great deals there, with other things too! Also got myself some new winter P.J.'s, 80% off yesterday. Cute, red, and polar fleece with little penguins:) My new L.L. Bean coat arrived, loving it! I also got some other clothes last week, all on deep winter sales. I also got a Valentine's Day wreath yesterday, also 80% off. I always try to go to this one store, the day after smaller holidays. Load up and save for next year. While I don't buy a lot of this kind of thing (not into over decorating)  why not get new, cheap?

5. Eat the Food- Try New Foods/Recipe- Using the freezer foods, some canned, etc. I had some huge potatoes last week, so I cubed 2 up, added a huge onion, paprika, garlic, salt, pepper. Cooked in the skillet til done, then added 1 cup of grated cheddar cheese, stir til all melted. Oh man they were good, with some ham and spinach.

6. Build Community Food Systems- Dave got some free, HUGE yellow onions from a farmer customer at work. Delish for various dinners.

7. Recycle/Re-Use- Swapping some frames with newer prints. 

8. Skill Up- I just discovered a new breed of hen my local hatchery Dunlap Hatchery is selling. They're called an Amber White. I'd never heard of them before. The Amber White is a cross between a Rhode Island Red and Rhode Island White. They are a calm, easily adaptable bird with excellent livability. That's from Dunlap's. I may get these chicks in the Spring, since I'm down to 2 hens. I will probably get 3 or 4 total, maybe with some Rhode Island Reds (they're awesome in this climate!). I'm looking forward to getting more chicks!!! I can sell as many extra eggs at work as I want to. Since the city expanded the allowed amount of chickens in the city, I could go up to 8, but 5 or 6 is good for the space we have.

Photos from Amber White  

9. Regenerate What is Lost/Salvage Something- Not that I can think of! But I'm probably forgetting something...


Candy C. said...

The Amber chickens sound like a good breed. I'm VERY jealous of your rain, we sure could use some. We are almost 15 degrees above normal and waaay below on our rainfall. Your potato dish sure sounds good! My hubby is a BIG fan of potatoes! :)

Unknown said...

Yes, we got the remnants of Orion...

Harry Flashman said...

In sincerely hope this winter does not become the norm. I used more propane in two months than I did in all of the year 2012. Just got my power bill, which is usually about $200.00 a month this time of year, and it was well over $300.00. I've been burning small electric heaters in my outbuildings to keep the pipes from freezing. I got off the mountain for the first time in 7 days this afternoon. This is not my kind of winter.

Unknown said...

I used t want to live in the north woods areas- Minnesota/Wisconsin. Not any more! It's dry enough in Boise, that it keeps most of the heavy snow away. If it's really cold, at least it's dry...

Susan said...

This has been (and still is) a very challenging winter. I keep my house COLD, but still have used almost twice the fuel as every other year that I've been here. Looking forward to a beautiful spring and a great growing season. That new breed of chicken sounds interesting. This year, I am letting my most broody hen raise a few homegrowns.

Unknown said...

I here you, everyone back east has been slammed with heating issues, lack of propane. I'm still trying to convince hubby to get a small woodstove. There's always lots of free wood locally, and from our trees...

Lisa Lynn said...

Thanks for sharing on The HomeAcre Hop :) Hope to see you again today!

Unknown said...

Thanks Lisa!