Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Oct 27, 2013

Walking Thru History, Halloween Thrifting Decor, Independence Days, Storm's Coming & Autumn Colors

Walking Thru History-
We had a gorgeous, perfect fall day yesterday- 65, clear, sunny. We drove to Idaho City, an old mining town for lunch and toured a few spots-

Old Penitentiary

Too bad the Chinese mining museum was closed, we want to go in there next time

Crow hanger, with a little Autumn pick

Halloween Thrifting Decor-
Every year when I open up some of my seasonal decor totes stored in our garage I laugh! As I find things thru the course of the year thrifting, I stash them. Then forget about them! Here are a couple of my fall and Halloween scores from last year-

Halloween kitty

I bought this on Etsy for $10.00, how cute, and handmade in the U.S.A.-

Great packaging!

                             My little "Live Simply" pillow, with rusty bell and pin

Independence Days-
1. Plant Something- Planted some crocus bulbs for next spring, in the backyard where I can see them. I LOVE them in the spring, make me smile. Added some pumpkins to my kitchen window flower box-

Thanks to Mama Pea for the inspiration at a A Homegrown Journal I had thought of it, 
but was undecided til I saw hers on her header! 

 2. Harvest Something- Last of herbs will be cut after the rain, then dried. Waiting til the bitter end! Dave cleaned the coop ans spread all the old shavings our into the garden. Coop is nice and clean and ready for winter!

3. Preserve/Store Something- Added more misc. stuff to the freezer.

4. Manage Reserves- Get a Good Deal/Barter/Stock Up/Prep- Stocked up on soups for quick lunches, and rolled oats. I love to keep several gallons on hand for the hens and hot breakfast. I love mine with raisins and some cinnamon! Chunks of apple are great too. Making sure all of the flashlights have good batteries, have kero on hand for lamps and heaters. We rarely lose power in the winter, but I'd rather have these items on hand and not need them.

5. Eat the Food- Try New Foods/Recipe- Bought my first persimmons today. Never tried them, will tatse tomorrow. Lots of leftovers this week- extra pork chops, roasted chicken, and pasta. Great for quick dinners after work. Had our first fondue with a gift certificate from our daughter. We helped with her wedding and what a gift! It was at the The Melting Pot, a great Friday night out after a very hectic week at work. Great food, service and nice and quiet. No screaming kids!

6. Build Community Food Systems- Bought local pumpkins, squash, persimmons, and corn stalks for the front entry from a place down the street-

ready for Halloween!

7. Recycle/Re-Use- Will take the corn ears off the stalks for the hens. Getting rid of various stuff to charities- Halloween, clothes, purses, kitchen stuff. I do NOT like being a pack rat. Reused pine shavings from coop into the garden.

8. Skill Up- Installed another computer at home. Got a great deal with a refurbished HP from Best Buy. Has Win 7. The newer the computers, the easier it gets I will say! Work bought me a Galaxy Tab 2, 10" screen, so I'm getting started with that. I need it for my job, sigh...

9. Regenerate What is Lost/Salvage Something- Cleaned up my thrifting finds, repaired more fall, winter clothing- loose buttons, etc. Good thing I can sew!

Storm's Coming and Autumn Colors-
Another big storm is coming thru tonite, almost 65 and sunny today, then the wind started. Temp's dropping clouds rolled in, rain about to hit. I took some photos before all the leaves start coming down-

Probably the last rose

Happy Halloween!



Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Your post made me think about the barn we will have torn down. We are currently using parts of it to repair the other two barns. I haven't planted anything here, but you reminded me I could plant some tulip bulbs.

Susan said...

Hope you weathered the storm. And I am not showing this post to my chickens, who are still waiting for me to deep clean their coop! I had better get cracking because the cold, freezing weather is upon us! I LOVE that crow/raven hanger!

Unknown said...

Thanks, I love bulbs!

And just drizzling here. Not much of a storm so far...