Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Oct 11, 2013

Autumn At The Little Homestead

Anya- Late Afternoon Fall Nap

Autumn At The Little Homestead-
Fall is definitely in the air here. Some of the chicken water bowls outside had a little ice in them this morning. I stayed home from work today, getting over a bronchitis-y bug. Started on meds yesterday after I saw the Doc. The bugs have hit our school very early this year- colds, dry hacking coughs, tummy bugs. This bug is not as bad as some I've had, but I went to the doc earlier this time. I also used homeopathic meds right off the bat! I have an excellent sub, so I called here last night and she did my stuff today. I was over worked, etc. with still recovering from foot surgery, helping with wedding stuff, and unusual job stress from administrative changes (due to medical reasons). Very sad and emotional for the whole school.

While I was home I found a great deal at BestBuy for a Widows 7 cpu, $178.00! I ordered one, and it will replace our old XP that's dying. We have the luxury of 2 computers (one we got free from our daughter, since bought it originally), and replaced the oldest with a new Win 7 this spring. What a difference, fast baby!!! I got a great deal for $10.00 from work- Office Pro, retails almost $300., another great deal.

The birds and squirrels are hitting the feeders hard with the colder weather. No hard freeze yet, but we're close. We'll probably rip out the peppers, eggplants, etc. as they're about spent. Good crop this year though! Lots of green tomatoes left, and I'll harvest those in the next week or so. Depends on the weather. I bring them in, lay them in single layers on the kitchen counters. They ripen slowey, but are great for soups, and pasta sauces. The girls are finally laying again, with the added night light. We're getting a new water heater for them, since we didn't like the homemade version. We'll get something ready made. We had used a common design of a large cookie tin, with a low watt bulb. This sat under the 1 gallon waterer. Did a good job, but was a little too hot. Safety first.

Leaves are barely starting to fall, but I love the colder, clear weather. 60's for the next week, lows in the 30's. I got out our comforter, washed it and we can snuggle in now. Two blankets weren't cutting it anymore!

Fall chicken


Endah Murniyati said...

Cute meow. So lovely...
Have a nice wekend

Unknown said...

Thanks, she's e real sweety!

Carolyn said...

Yay for kitty pictures :)
Yes, I know, that's all I ever say when you post pictures of your cats. But I like the chicken too!

Unknown said...

I'll post more, coming later today :)