Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Sep 29, 2013

Wood Five-Drawer Apple Rack Idea

Wood Five-Drawer Apple Rack Idea-
This is a great idea (while very overpriced) and I'm sure is something similar to what people have used in their cellars for cold storage. I'm sure they also used something bigger too. It's here Wood Drawer Apple Rack I could see doing this in cedar since it's naturally bug proof, or even using pallet wood (if free of chemicals).


1st Man said...

Hello! We have one of these! A bigger one and we paid a lot less. The prices have gone up a bit since we bought ours (about 3 yrs ago) but it's still less than WS. Just wanted to let you know there was another option.

We love ours, use it for potatoes and onions and such. Once we are at the farm full time, we'll use it regularly but I figured it would be part of the infrastructure for now, ha.

Anyway, here is the link for you:,default,pd.html?start=1&q=orchard%20rack

Unknown said...

Anything is cheaper than WS! I personally don't need one, but some others might, so thanks!

Endah Murniyati said...

Beautiful and useful. Great idea!

Leigh said...

What a great idea. Thanks for posting!

Susan said...

I wish I had the perfect spot to hold fruit and vege over-winter. The best I've done so far is use an old hamper in the guest room closet for potato/garlic storage. I love that idea - I'll have to tuck it away for future reference.

Michelle said...

I am going to have to have my husband make me one. Lucky all he need is a picture to figure it out.

Unknown said...

Thanks Susan.

Michelle, that's why I posted it ;) Pine or reclaimed wood would work too....