Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Aug 18, 2013

Our Winner At The State Fair! Gorgeous Chickens, Mules and Goats

All photos courtesy of Dave my hubby 

Photo by me

Our Winner At The State Fair! 
Congrats to my hubby for winning 2nd prize in his category at the Idaho State Fair!!! 

Gorgeous Chickens, Mules and Goats-
We always go to the fair each year here in Boise. When we got there it was about high 70's, nice weather. It hit about 90 by the time we left. I LOVE to see all the animals, it brings out the frustrated micro-farmer in me. We rode the Ferris wheel, ate some gyros and walked (or rather I limped) around for 2 hours. That's the longest I had continually walked since before my foot surgery. Man I was tired!

Maran rooster, I think

An Egyptian Fayoumi, never heard of those! Pretty!

Mom taking a break from the 2 babies

Pretty girl and I wanted to take her home :) 

Handsome appaloosa mule


Ray said...

Now you are making me homesick! The Fair in Boise was always a big deal for us. I showed my 4-H Holstein heifer there in the late 50's, when the Fair was at the old location down on Orchard and Fairview streets. Thanks for the memories!

Unknown said...

Thanks Ray!

Susan said...

Congratulations to your hubby! That is wonderful!! I know there are LOTS of photos entered in state fairs, so that says a lot for his talent. The animals are the highlight of my visit to the fair, too. It also used to include funnel cakes, but that's off my diet now. Maybe a deep fried pickle????

Endah Murniyati said...

Congratulations! The black mom and two babies are so cute, so lovely... I hope someday I have some goats in my yard.

Unknown said...

Thanks, and we split a funnel cake with some fresh strawberries...

Candy C. said...

Congrats to Dave! Those are some fine looking roosters and the little Nubian is lovely! :)

Unknown said...

Thanks, yes she had nice colors!!

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Congrats on the ribbon. Loved the photos too.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Dave did a nice job :)