Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Aug 14, 2013

Homemade Pesto, Lemon Zest Salt, Chickens, Burlap Runners and Tea Oh My!

Basil pot- before shot
Homemade Pesto-
Last year I had tons of basil I started from seed. This year they fizzled out due to the weird weather. Easy solution... buy some basil starts! They took off and today was harvest day! I hope to get another good harvest before the hard freeze, usually in October. I bought some pine nuts (cheaper bulk at the grocery store), lemons and already had cheese. I used this recipe from Oprah's former chef Rosie's Pesto , as it has no oil and great flavor. I usually use Romano since I keep it on hand (from Costco). It freezes beautifully in small glass canning jars. Last year's harvest lasted most of the year. It's wonderful for pasta on a really cold night. Also good for a pizza base sauce, and on roasted chicken.

big bucket of basil

swimming in the food processor

All jarred up to freeze

                                          Basil pot- after shot. I had to save some for pizza!

Lemon Zest Salt-
I was reading a French cook book a few weeks back by Patricia Wells. Since I knew I'd be juicing a lot of lemons for the pesto sauce, I decided to try this Lemon Zest Salt recipe. A great way to recycle those lemons, just zest before you juice. It has a wonderful smell and light texture! I used my magic bullet to "grind it". I'll try this for roasting chicken and maybe in some pasta. Lots of options!

Chicken, Burlap Runners and Tea Oh My!
I went to Michael's crafts store today to pick up some things for a craft project. Then I saw him... be still my beating heart...

Mr. Rooster, come to Mama! 

He came home with me ($7.99) and is ready for Autumn. The top is metal and the base is MDF.

I got my vintage rooster spice rack up too. It's attached to my vintage window over my computer in the kitchen-

I had been looking for a new table runner for my coffee table, which is big and solid wood. I'd been looking at overpriced burlap ones, then struck gold at Michael's! A 10', yes 10 foot, long one with a nice tight weave, only $12.99. I have enough left over to make a runner for the dining table now too!

Leftovers for runner #2, will hem tomorrow

                                                                 It's Anya approved

Cute little tag bag holder from a thrift store, $2.00. Perfect for those cold fall and winter days!

Another cute Michael's fall item for my desk at work, it's in a paper bag!

Our new neighbor we nicknamed Roberto, on bug patrol


Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

I almost bought a wooden rooster yesterday at our local craft store. I have no where to put it, but I may go back and get it for my front porch. Kitty looks so happy in your photo.

Unknown said...

Luckily I've been getting rid of some older things. Yes, Anya's one happy girl!

Susan said...

Great deals at Michaels! I love burlap - it's so versatile; however, my cats are not as genteel as Anya. Nuff said.

Susan said...

p.s. Thanks for the non-oil pesto recipe! I love pesto, but not always with that much oil. I'll try it this weekend!

Anonymous said...

Well you are getting ready for Fall. I really like that burlap runner. What a deal. Thanks for sharing!

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The HomeAcre Hop


Unknown said...
