Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Aug 10, 2013

Best Tiny House So Far

Best Tiny House So Far-
I have followed the Tinyhouseblog for years, and this is one of the best designs I've ever seen. You can tell Dondi's an engineer! While not for folks with kids, or us aging folks who don't want a sleeping loft, it's a really good use of space and materials. I think it's an excellent alternative for young kids getting started who don't want to get tied down to a big mortgage, or live in the city (though some do). Erin and Dondis Off-Grid-Tiny House - lots of photos there!

I love the bigger kitchen as many tiny homes suffer from a lack of a real, working kitchen-

Nice use of vertical space! 


Susan said...

I follow it, too. Such a talented guy! I would love to live in a tiny house, but I think I'd have to downsize in the dog/cat department first...

Unknown said...

Yes, it great! And yes, pets might be a problem...