Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Jun 3, 2013

Thrifting Finds, Easy Chocolate/P.B. Krispie Treats, Best Frittata, More Veggies To Plant, Thrifty Crafts You Can Make

Red mini rose planted for little Rosie

Thrifting Finds-
Goodwill was calling my name yesterday and I found a new tee shirt, and (the big score) a Target Nate Berkus runner rug, brand new, for $15.00! All wool and good replacement for my $65.00 runner that was getting worn out. It's a nice, heavy wool and some details-

Anya approved

nice texture and design for the space

Easy Chocolate Chip/P.B. Rice Krispie Treats-
I had this basic recipe years ago, no marshmallows involved. Here's the basic recipe that I re-created, and it    came out perfect!

8 cups rice krispie cereal
1 cup light corn syrup, I know- I don't use it much either, thanks Monsanto
1 cup peanut butter (I used crunchy)
1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips

Grease a 8" x 11" pan, then use a small pot and bring the corn syrup and peanut butter to a gentle simmer over medium heat. Keep stirring until warm and then add 2/3 the chocolate chips. Bring all to a nice, fully melted gooey sauce. Make sure ALL the chips are completely melted. Toss into a large bowl on top of the rice, stir until completely covered. Then press into pan, using hands to finish. Top with the rest of the chips and press firmly into top. Chill until firm. I chilled about 3 hours or so. Cut with sharp knife, keep covered. Yummy!

Best Frittata-
When you have lots of fresh eggs, it's time for a frittata dinner! This was the best one so far, with no official recipe, but here's what I remember-
preheat oven to 400, using a large cast iron skillet, spray with non-stick spray. In a bowl beat 12 eggs, 1/2 cup milk. Chop up 5 lg. green onions, 1/2 cup roasted red peppers, 1 small zucchini. Set aside- 1/2 cup goat cheese blobs, 1/3 cup feta cheese, 1/2 package (2ozs.?) thin sliced prosciutto. Saute veggies until soft in a little olive oil, add feta, then add eggs, then goat cheese on top, then prosciutto. Cook on stove top on med. high until about 1/2 set. Put in oven for about 20-25 minutes or until eggs are set. Serve and enjoy! I served with garlic bread and salad.

More Veggies To Plant-
I always plant tomatoes first, then see how much see I have left. I have to also plan in some chicken protection. So we bought some- Ichiban eggplants, 2 kinds of yellow squash, lemon cukes (my favorite!). I made the mistake of planting 2 more raspberries, only to have the girls repeatedly dig them up. I finally secured chicken wire with stakes and was able to salvage one. I dug up 2 of our own starts and added them to the space. I bought thorn less, but may wind up with thorns, oh well. The reality of gardening! I've found once things get bigger I can take down the barriers.

Thrifty Crafts You Can Make On The Cheap-

From Cost Plus World Market- Driftwood hurricane lamps, make at home in multiple sizes! Many craft stores sell driftwood if you can't find any where you live.

Redneck Wind Chimes at Shopko, I could see these with Italian tomatoes and some fun lettering on top!


Susan said...

Ah, what a life Anya has! She always looks so relaxed and lovely. I want to come back as your cat!!! That frittata looks wonderful. I may just do my own rendition for dinner tonight, as I have a bumper crop of eggs. A house I drive by has a Red Neck Windchime made with beer cans. It's a hoot.

Unknown said...

Yes, Anya works hard every day- sleeping :)

Michelle said...

all great things ,but you had me at the rice kricpy treats

Unknown said...

Ah yes, that's the only way I eat them. Hadn't made them for 15
years or so...

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Great finds, and the food looks great too.

Unknown said...


Carolyn said...

Whew! You're so lucky that you have a feline rug-holder-downer or you'd be in deep trouble!

Unknown said...

Yes, Anya has to check out anything new in the house, including people!

Candy C. said...

Love your frittata 'recipe' that's my favorite way to cook! :)
The Redneck windchimes are cute and the new rug looks great! Glad Miss Anya approved it!

Unknown said...

Yes, winging it cooking is always fun! Anya slept on the rug for hours :)