Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Jun 7, 2013

Keeping Chickens Cool, Thrifting Finds

Keeping Chickens Cool-
This is my 3rd or 4th summer keeping chickens cool in a very hot, dry climate. In Boise it can stay in the 90's or 100's for weeks, sometimes months. Add to that we're in high desert, that's hot and DRY. Keeping chickens hydrated is essential. While I have big waterer in the coop, I also have 2 other large bowls I fill daily with fresh water. Sometimes I add a few ice cubes late in the day to cool it off.

I also use some cool treats, like cukes, grapes/cherries (squash the grapes first so they won't choke), and an old pie pan I fill with ice chips. Luckily we have a fridge with in the door water and ice!

I also added a shade area last year, since it had tough shrubs and was shade most of the day. I realized it would be a perfect to add a short fence. Sometimes you have to create a space. We re-used some fencing stakes and bought a small roll of garden fencing. The girls it every day! They can go from the main garden behind the coop and around. At some point I'd like to replace it with livestock panels and chicken wire, like the rest of the veggie area, and make the fencing more invisible. It works for now.

In addition, I bought a mister for about $8.00 at a big box store. I attach it using the curly part of the top of the berry vine wires, and it keeps the whole area cooler. Uses very little water, a bonus. I'm a big fan of NOT wasting water. Just attach it to your hose, and turn on very low. That's it. Talk about an easy installation! Just unscrew when you need your hose.


Thrifting Finds-
Summer is when I do a lot of thrifting, while I'm off work. When I was going by a thrift store today I popped in! I found a new summer blouse, a Sun Valley mug, 2 chicken soups bowls (good for post-foot surgery) and a summery pitcher. All for $12.00!  With foot surgery next week, and no weight bearing on my 1 foot and crutches for 4 weeks, I'll probably be home a lot. I have lots of little projects to do to keep me busy, but I'll miss some thrifting time. I'll make up for it when I'm off both crutches :)


Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

I hope your foot surgery goes well.

Susan said...

You are such a good caregiver to your chickens! I like that mister. There is always some shade in my chicken yard, but I bet it would feel good on the really hot days. I am also thinking of getting a double-thick kiddie pool for the sheep/llama. My old llama used to like to lie in it! Hope your surgery goes well and your recovery is quick!!

Unknown said...

Thanks! I firgure as hot as it gets here, if we suffer so do they. Luckily I'm home in the summer, so that helps...

Our Neck of the Woods said...

Really great tips! I especially like how you created a shaded area for them to hang out in. Shade is so important! I don't use a mister because here in Missouri we have very humid summers, but I can see how it would be beneficial in a dry climate. Your girls look happy and cool!