Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Mar 6, 2013

Vintage Lighting Ideas, Native American Blanket Display

Vintage Lighting Ideas-
They say timing is everything. I had dinner in a little restaurant Monday, after a horrendous 9 hour work day. This place has the coolest vintage lights. All these photos were taken with my cell phone. Came out pretty good I think...

The the next day I saw these in an article in an old Country Living magazine, 2008. Some of these would be pretty easy to retrofit and make, much cheaper too-

Native American Blanket Display-
I have been wanting to buy a Pendleton blanket forever, and now there's an outlet nearby. I'll keep my eye out for a new one, deeply discounted. eBay has used ones too, and I feel better about buying used now that I've read up on what to look for. I really like this display with the photos-


Candy C. said...

I love Pendleton wool and blankets! I actually ordered some yard goods from them several years ago and made hubby a wool vest.
Those lights are pretty cool looking! :)

Susan said...

I love vintage light fixtures - they are so much more interesting than anything you can find today. I'm glad you posted this - it will jog my memory when I start my 'estate-saling' this spring! I am a lover of Hudson Bay blankets. I have a queen-sized one that must weight 40 lbs!

Unknown said...

Thanks, I love all the old woolen blankets, etc...

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Those are some interesting lights.