Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Mar 16, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day, Plowing With Pigs Book

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
A little wearing of the green at our house-

Corned beef, cabbage, carrots, & potatoes are on the menu for tomorrow. And some rhubarb cobbler!

Plowing With Pigs Book-
I read about his book Plowing With Pigs. It's called Plowing with Pigs and Other Creative, Low-Budget Homesteading Solutions by Oscar H. Will and Karen K. Will. I love it when people share their information and interesting solutions to things. I call that a "skill set". You can never have too many! I'll be ordering this... for when I live in a space to do this kind of thing.

Anya has good taste in bags, it's green!


Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

For the first time, we are not doing one thing for St. Patrick's Day.

Sunny Simple Life said...

Okay that is one big cat. That books sounds like my kind of read too. Oh and love that darling pillow.

Unknown said...

Kristina, that ok too! I didn't even put out my decorations til this Thursday night...

Elaine, I saw the pillow at JoAnn's fabrics mnths ago, too cute to pass up...

Dave said...

Cats and bags!

Susan said...

I just heard about that book as well. It's on my next-read list. Anya looks downright inscrutible! And isn't it funny how you always find plastic bags and cats in the same place...

Candy C. said...

I'm with Elaine, LOVE the pillow! Anya looks half asleep there on her St. Paddy's bag! :)

Unknown said...

Thanks Anya's a riot....