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Feb 23, 2013

How To Save BIG $ On A New Camera- Family Swap

How To Save BIG $ On A New Camera: Do a Family Swap!-
My one daughter with a bachelor' degree in Fine Art/Photography recently got a new job at a local, high end camera store. Oh boy, it was time for her to buy a new camera she had waited for! Since she had lots of lenses she bought a DSLR camera body online. Much cheaper and it worked well for her. She was going to sell her higher end Canon DSLR, but Dave and I made her an offer. It was a win-win since she owed us some $$$ for a college loan. So, Dave got her "old" camera, better than what he had, and he went out and bought a macro and telephoto lens (great deal). He can do more things now with his photography blog, and saved a bundle! Then- I got Dave's old Olympus DSLR camera. What fun, more things I can do! From a voluntary simplicity angle it really works too- something that can be reused, taken care of and appreciated. I went from this small Olympus, pretty limited use, point-and-shoot 6 - 63 mm -

 to this big boy: 14 - 42 mm and a telephoto with a 40-150 mm!  

Luckily I had taken photography classes way back in my 20's, so some of this is coming back. It's great to have much more flexibility in shooting. I really love photography, since I've always been a visual person. The only downsize, for me, is there's no macro lens available. Farther down the line we might get another Canon body and share lenses, a good way to save more $. We're all happy! Here's to family swapping!

Here's some test pictures I took today, after a sleet/snow storm blew thru early this morning, lots of blue sky!

Mom- where's the snacks?

Girls enjoying the sun, this was shot from our deck, the telephoto really made a big difference

Love the blue sky, windy and cold

Road trip to Idaho City for Dave's birthday lunch last weekend-
I love the cute, old gingerbread on the building

Looking west from Idaho City, an old silver mining town


Robyn said...

Wow Im loving this camera.. Thats the next big ticket item I want. A really nice camera. I was lookin at the Canon DSLR's a while ago so going to have to save for a bit.. Your photos are beautiful!

Unknown said...

Thanks! The pics will get better once I use the settings more...

Dave said...
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Dave said...

had a lot of fun with my E510. It was a great starter camera without spending a bunch of money. I was ready for an upgrade.

Robyn, I stumbles onto a good Canon deal. Tamron makes lenses to fit the Canon camera. According to my daughter, they are every bit as good as Canon lenses. Tamron seems to have an ongoing "monthly mail in rebate" anywhere from $50 - $100 depending on the lens. It may save you some money to purchase the body separate from the lenses.

Lessandra said...

I may be needing a new camera if I can't get mine fixed - a Canon SD990. It does a lot for not having special lens, etc. If you have a moment, look at my blog and see if you can figure out what that white line is from. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I looked hard to tell, a leaky lens or?

Michelle said...

I have been to Idaho City. Seeing these great pictures really make me miss Idaho.

Unknown said...

We go up there once in a while, to Trudy's, for lunch. Amazing huckleberry cheesecake!

Candy C. said...

You guys did good on your camera "swapping!" :)
Love those pictures, especially the girls all lined up at the fence! LOL!!

Unknown said...

Thanks, yes when they see me coming they yell "Mom, treats???" :)