Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Aug 10, 2012

Independence Days Challenge, 9 Point Chicken Checkup & Ointment, Farm Aid Disaster Fund

Independence Days Challenge-
I haven't posted this much recently even though I work on this just about daily:

1. Plant Something- Moved my 3 "mystery veggies" (pumpkins!) to a better place, planted 2 tarragons, a perennial and squash.

2. Harvest Something- my first tomatoes, basil, eggs, compost. I spotted a baby eggplant tonite, my first! Sadly not much in the way of apples and nectarines this year. I may have to just buy apples for applesauce, etc. this year :(

3. Preserve/Store Something- Made refrigerator pickles & strawberry jam. I bought more pine nuts ($15.00 a lb., ouch!) so I'll make a lot of pesto for the freezer. Put pine nuts in the fridge this time so they won't go rancid in this heat.

4. Manage Reserves- Get A Good Deal/Barter/Stock Up/Prep- Got some free veggies from the farmers market, stocked up on chicken parts to freeze, more misc. stuff at Costco.

5. Eat the Food- Try New Foods/Recipes- Used up old apples into a blueberry/apple cobbler, wonderful! Going thru old recipes & cookbooks for more vegetarian dishes that are healthier and cheaper. Made Tennessee Cornpone and pesto from my huge basil (I started from seed) for yummy wholegrain linguine pasta.

6. Build Community Food Systems- Bought some veggies at a farmer's market coming back from McCall, raspberry items and Healing Salve at the festival up north. The raspberry vinegar is AMAZING!!! More free rhubarb from neighbor. Bought some local baked good today.

7. Recycle/Re-Use- Composting, bought more used clothes for work I need to tailor a bit, re-purposed a dresser into canning cabinet, used vintage glass canning jars missing glass lids into candle holders.

8. Skill Up- Refreshed camping skills, more sewing, getting better with my camera.

9. Regenerate What is Lost/Salvage Something- Saved pumpkins after I ID'ed them. Watering yard heavily in this intense heat.

9 Point Chicken Checkup & DIY Ointment-
I subscribe to the free newsletter thru Mother Earth news Community Chickens Blog. Here's an excellent article from the last week, several great ideas!!! 9 Point Comb-to-Toe Chicken Check-Up & DIY Ointment  While I was already doing most of this I will be making up some of the suggested ointment too. In the mean time, the Healing Salve I bought from the monastery will do...

                                          Family farm disaster fund
Farm Aid Family Farm Disaster Fund-
from my recent farm Aid newsletter-

In much sadder news, the record-breaking drought, which is the worst in decades, continues to devastate farmland across the country. Our hotline is busy with calls from family farmers trying to cope with drought and we have put up a Disaster Assistance for Farmers page with some resources for farmers dealing with the drought and other natural disasters.

We've also activated our Family Farm Disaster Fund. As Willie Nelson says, "Our farmers and the soil they depend on are crucial for the future of agriculture. Farm Aid works to keep every family farmer on the land, no matter what extreme conditions they face."

                                                            Barn Hop


Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

I need to sign up for that free newsletter. I better do that soon.

Unknown said...

They have LOTS of great info and it's all free :)

Candy C. said...

No clue what the holes are for but it sure is a cute chicken!
This drought is very, very bad...

Unknown said...

We have some of the worst fires in the country now, the smoke is awful here. I'm praying for rain...

Leigh said...

The drought is very sad indeed. Wish we could send them of our rain. So, are you going to tell us what those rooster holes are for???

Unknown said...

I have no clue what those holes are for!