Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Jul 13, 2012

WWII Food & Fuel Posters, Garden, Heat & Canning

WWII Food & Fuel Posters
I found this education article fascinating! I never knew that clothing was also rationed-

'WWII Propaganda Posters Urging Conservation, Limitation, and Rationing by Americans on the home front to support the war effort: The United States did not suffer the same kinds of war deprivations that Europe did, although there were wartime shortages. During World War II it became necessary for the U.S. government to ration some foods, rubber, gas, and even clothing. Americans were asked to limit and conserve on many niceties and necessities.Wartime travel, materials and commodities conservation and rationing meant participation and sacrifices by all. Their efforts included scrap drives, taking factory jobs, goods donations and other similar projects to assist the troops on the front lines. Government-sponsored ads, radio shows, posters and pamphlet campaigns urged the American people to comply. With a sense of urgency, the campaigns appealed to America to contribute by whatever means they had, without complaint. These methods were a highly effective and one can gain a better understanding and imagine how and why they worked so well by viewing the historic conservation and rationing posters like this one displayed on this web page; this vintage poster sends a strong effective message.' From Free Galleries  Tons of posters to check out- Vintage World War 2 Posters

Garden, Heat & Canning-
With the heat (105 yesterday) it's been WATER, WATER, WATER, and keep the chickens cool. The tomatoes are growing really fast, and I'm seeing them starting to change color! I trimming off the excess vines, to keep the fruit up. Tomatoes won't set fruit above about 90 degrees from what I've read, so I'm stuck there, but there's lots of blossom already. The blackberries are starting to ripen, scored 2 yesterday, and we should have a huge harvest!

I'm having trouble finding pickling cukes locally- I found some a week ago, went back later and they were bad, ew. Another store said they wouldn't carry them as 2 shipments in a row were BAD there. So today I'm going to try a 3rd store to see if I can find any. I could kick myself for not buying the first batch when they were fresh off the truck. Lesson learned!!! You have to get what you can when you can. I'm growing pickling cukes myself, but I only planted 3 so not sure if there'll be enough for what I want to do quantity-wise.

I found some wonderful peaches that are actually ripe (no local yet) from California, so I may try to make a small batch of jam, we'll see. I need to harvest the last of my neighbors rhubarb, so will do that soon, and freeze it. I may can some rhubarb sauce for hubby, as he loves it!


Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

I'm not getting many cucumbers this year. I am making fridge pickles vs. canning them.

Unknown said...

I hear you. Since my adult kids love them I'll be making both. And I FINALLY FOUND SOME CUKES! I'm excited to get canning tomorrow!!!

Candy C. said...

Glad you found some cucumbers! I always love seeing the vintage posters, thanks!
I picked up some peaches from Safeway last week when they had them for $0.77/pound and had to put them in a brown bag for a few days but they ripened up pretty nicely. I sure miss the peaches off my tree, the late freeze got all the blossoms AGAIN this year. :(

Unknown said...

Thanks Candy, I'm growing cukes, but I wanted to do a LOT, and before school starts up. Gotta strike while the iron's (and weather) is hto, so to speak... I found some peaches too that aren't bad from the local place, and I'm going to try my hand at some peach jam...

Tales of a Misfit Housewife said...

Try Wagner farm on Chinden. I got my cukes there and you can place your order and pick them up the next day as soon as they are picked. Great people, great price, great quality! They have tons of great local produce.

Unknown said...

Thanks, but I found some. Do you know what cross street for future reference?

Tales of a Misfit Housewife said...

It is at Chinden and Linder, so it's technically in meridian. I'm glad you found some :)

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Nancy, I fixed the name and link to your blog, that's posted on my blog. Sorry I goofed that up.

Unknown said...

Thank to you both. I'll check out the Wagner place soon...