Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Jul 18, 2012

My Poor Cukes & Garden Update, HBO's "Newsroom" Intro, Money Tips Learned

I had great cukes, both lemon and pickling. I went out this week and all the leaves were gone! I know it wasn't the chickens as I had the same problem last year, outside the chicken area. I don't know if it's squirrels, bugs or what. The blossom are still set, so I'm leaving them and hoping for fruit... this stinks...

Tomatoes are doing great! Nice, big and healthy-

Blackberries are starting to turn black, but still tart, another week or so! Then it'll be baking, freezing and canning time!!! Yum!

Beans, Great Lakes and Italian, by the side of the house.
Still small, but here's hoping!

Various flowers around the back yard-

Bamboo by the pond-

 HBO's "Newsroom" Intro-
We have Dish Network and subscribe to HBO since we don't go out much. I know, I'm bad watching TV, but I'm very selective, so I don't watch that much. I was waiting for the new show Newsroom to start since it had a great cast, timely topics and Aaron Sorkin produced it. This opening scene sets the tone for the show- a fed up newsman (think likable & don't-rock-the-boat) finally gets honest about his view of America. Warning- there's some R rated language, so no young ears please. Watch til the very end :)
Money Planning Tips-
We recently did some retirement/financial planning, so here's a few ideas I thought I'd share-
*We pay our mortgage every 2 weeks, which adds quite a bit to paying it off early.
*We refinanced our 3 year old car and saved 3 pts. We'll pay it off a year earlier.
*We eliminated most of our remaining credit card debt the last few years. We put the balance recently on a low interest signature loan thru a credit union, so we're almost done there!
*DO NOT start a college fund, if you have kids, plan your savings and retirement funds FIRST. We helped 3 kinds thru college and only took out 1 small loan, and co-signed 2 other small loans. Kids should use student grants & loans FIRST. If they are responsible for their own education if makes them much more invested (excuse the pun) in doing well, keeping their grades up and finishing. If you put them thru college and it breaks your bank, where does that leave you? Not in a good place. And teach them (if you haven't already) how to create a good credit history. Our kids took a basic "how to use a checking account" class in high school. WE sat them down and taught them about establishing credit, and to get 1 credit card for emergency use, and keep it paid off. They had a few bumps, but in their mid 20's they all have good credit! Can't buy a home with it...
*Save, save, save. We had 2 hospitalizations, one emergency, and one for hubby's shoulder surgery. The costs were really tough. If we'd had more savings, it would have really taken the mental load off us. I'm grateful we HAD savings, small as it is.
*I buy most of my household goods/clothes, etc. used, and we don't live the same urban life as most BUT we're happier and don't have the $$$ worries of most either :) 
*I feel so bad for the rural areas, including  in my state, in drought and with fires. I also worry about what this will mean for US in terms of coming food prices? We don't eat beef much, but what about grains, beans, etc? I'm stocking up and canning more this summer. We all do what we can, while we can...

Anya sleeping next to me while I read on the computer. She has to be where I am.
We've bonded :)
Don't tell anyone- I'm plowing my way thru all 3 seasons of Roswell this summer (free from the local Library) since I missed most of it back in 1999-2001 when it was on. It's my guilty pleasure!


Susan said...

All very good financial advice! I am chiseling away at my debt, and as soon as I do, I will up my mortgage payments. What a sweet cat! Mine lie on my feet, lap and next to me. I'm surrounded by love...

Unknown said...

Cats are great, Anya has really adapted well :)

Candy C. said...

Sweet picture of Anya! :)
I wonder what is eating your cucumbers? The leaves have been chomped right off!

Michelle said...

Beautiful cat. Your video wouldn't play for me.Just wanted to give everyone a heads up. I am doing another game and giveaway.

Unknown said...

Thanks Candy, she's cute. I have no idea, but I suspect the squirrels.
Michelle, plays ok for me, let me know...

Thrifty Mom In Boise said...

I had to re-plant my cucumbers in a pot. I planted them twice in the ground and something ate them. Now that they are in pots they are growing great. Love your blog!