Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Mar 21, 2012

Spring Colors, Food Preservation, 65 Degrees & Snowing

Spring Colors

Lots of colors are sprouting up in our yard!

Food Preservation- we bought a new 7 cubic foot chest freezer at Costco, oh boy! I have already started stocking it, and will buy some baskets next week (spring break) to reorganize it better. We will be expanding our veggie growing area by adding a new bed in another part of the backyard. It's a sunny area that should work well. I'm trying to come up with an indoor seed starting spot. I have a small wire bookcase I may add lights to. I'll have to play with that idea. The Spring Food Preservation and Storage Class has been really informative! I will add some information and questions that I found really helpful, in the next week or so...

65 today, Snowing Yesterday-

It was snowing really hard at one point, blowing sideways at a 45 degree angle and COLD!


Candy C. said...

Awwww...the squirrel is cute! Love all your flowers! What are the purple ones?

Unknown said...

It was some kind of small bulbs, sorry I don't remember!

Unknown said...

I looked them up, they're called- Chionodoxa, a Blue star shaped flower...