Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Mar 29, 2012

Plants, Starting Seeds, Pickled Eggs, Thrifting & Mason Jar Meals

Plants- Every spring I have a ritual and plant some pansies in my north-facing kitchen window box. I can see them, they make me smile, and sometimes birds land there and check things out. With lots of water they last all summer into fall-

A visitor last year, he pecked on the window for several days in a row, cute little guy!

Chives are up too!

Violas under the window

Starting Seeds-  I gathered up all my seed-starting stuff a couple of nights ago, and a bucket of potting mix. With the rain this week, I decided to do this inside. I started: a whole BIG tray of basil, smaller pots of calendulas, nasturtiums, lemon cukes, and Swiss chard. They're under the under counter lights for now.

Pickled Eggs- I saw a recipe and decided to try some. I made a 1/2 batch, since Dave's not a fan of hard boiled eggs. Thanks to Rose Prairie Quilt Farms for the recipe . I made some today!

6 hard boiled eggs, peeled
1 Qt. sterilized canning jar (perfect size)
2 cups white vinegar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 medium onion
1/2 TBL. pickling spice
1/4 tsp. mustard seeds
1/2 tsp. celery seeds
1 clove garlic

Combine all ingredients in pot, except eggs. Boil for 5 minutes. Then put eggs in jar (I put some onion in the bottom first), pour hot liquid over eggs, seal. Let stand overnight, then refrigerate. Will keep a couple of weeks, in theory. There are lots of other recipes out there online, some with peppers, etc. My Grandma used to pickle eggs and beets together, yum! Here's my batch, and I'll let you know how they taste! I see some hot peppers in there next time :)

Thrifting- I scored 3 new summer shorts/capris, 2 with the new tags still on them! I love Eddie Bauer and Columbia Sportswear stuff, so well made. I also got two enameled cups for fun.I may plant one with a plant, the other is up on my shelf in the kitchen with my other old speckle ware.

My new dishwasher cover installed, I LOVE it! All magnetic, just roll out, smooth on and you're good! $15 on eBay. Just look around as there are lots of designs if you're interested, and measure carefully.

Mason Jar Meals- What a great idea!



Candy C. said...

What a great idea planting the pansies on the north side of the house. Pickled eggs...yum, yum! I really, really like the dishwasher magnet, gonna have to look at getting one. :)

Unknown said...

Thtere's lots of great designs too. I spotted one on another blog. They make them for washers/dryers/fridges too. I almost got a chicken/sunflower one, but it wasn't the right size, dang!

Unknown said...

Candy, they have some S.W. style ones too!

Leigh said...

Lovely flowers! And I absolutely love the idea of mason jar meals. My goal is more canned soups and "convenience" foods this year. :)