Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Jun 8, 2015

Chick to Flock Integration Tips! The 90's Are Here, Reminiscing On Our Gardening

Chick to Flock Integration Tips-
I hear a lot about how to integrate new chicks into an existing flock. I've heard lots of horrors stories and wanted to revisit my success last June! Maybe this will help some other flock owners:) Posts below are about how to set up some temporary housing, then taking it down and having full access. We raise our chicks from 1 or 2 day old in the house, transition to day time only outside in a playpen, then full time outside separated, then integrate into the full coop/run.

Growing Chicks   New Chick Housing   The Chick Drama That Wasn't   Chicks 1st Night In Coop

The 90's Are Here!
It went from the 70's to 80's to 90's in about a week and a half. The 90's is about 10-15 degrees above normal for this time of year. I have a bad feeling, with the mild spring, we're in for a blistering summer! I'm out to do some yard work in a minute as it's 75 and it's only 10. I got a late start! Now it's mostly water, water, water...

Reminiscing On Our Gardening-
Dave and I were sitting out last night, listening to the fountain in the pond, looking at all the green, the flowers, and veggies. We planted ALL of it except the huge maple tree, 2 shrubs in the back, and 2 in the front. Nothing else was here, just turf and empty flower beds. Nothing. It's been a lot of work but it's so satisfying!!! Dave spent the last 2 days resetting our pavers with sand and new gravel too. Looks fab!

My fave delphinium

new beans where the old shed was

peppers already!

After shot, much better!

Posey enjoying the cool grass :)


Tiny Toadstool Cottage said...

The new path looks great! I love that delphinium too - they are a lovely flower - hollyhocks too.
It must be so satisfying to look at all that you have achieved. Fantastic!
It is funny that you are hot so quickly, as we have had record cold snaps and heaps more snow than usual for early winter. So looks like we are in for a real freezing winter!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Nancy

Susan said...

You have a good system for introducing new hens - I do something similar and it's worked well for 9 years. I have a new group to work in, so it will be an exciting weekend! Your garden looks so nice - it must give you and Dave a lot of satisfaction. That Posey is a cutie!

Unknown said...

Thanks Susan. A lot of people have good systems too!

Unknown said...

Stopping by from the (mis)Adventures Monday's blog hop. We have backyard chickens (our first group) and they're 3 years old. Luckily only one passed away so far, a few weeks ago. I wouldn't try to integrate new chickens to this group because we have Rhode Island Reds that are mean. They peck the feathers off the head of the other chicken. So glad you've had such luck.

Unknown said...

I hear you. I had get rid of my gorgeous hampshire red, too aggressive with the younger birds...