Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Jun 22, 2014

Chicks First Night Party! Last of The Major Gardening Done, Some Yummy Local Stuff

Chicks First Night Party!
Wow, there's was a real party in the coop last night! After Dave and I got the chicks in the coop around dark (the 1st time) there was a veritable party. A new playground and look at all the toys! The chicks were flying all over, which let me know it was time to trim the flight feathers. I did that this morning, since there is a 6' fence between death and coop :(  Anyway, the chicks had a blast, and Ellie just kept an eye on them from the top perch. I watched a while then went inside. Lots of peeping, then at dark- nary a sound. When Dave opened the coop trap door this morning he said the big girls were by the door, and the little girls were all up stairs on the upper roosting shelf. They hung out for another hour or so and then realized they could go outside! They all did great today. I let the big girls out today for a break-

Little Blackie, she's mellowed out after we chatted about another home for her :)
Ellie, my sweetie

The new flock, all 6

Enjoying the shade roof

Last of The Major Gardening Done-
Dave and I did backyard work for a good 4 hours yesterday. It was windy, warm (80+) but not bad in the shade. I... planted Swiss Chard in a pot with French radish seeds, green onions (clumping) in an empty spot in the garden, 2 pots of cilantro, moved some Italian kale too close together, dead headed flowers, pruned, watered, spread manure, cleaned off the deck, and deconstructed the outside/inside chick dividers. Dave cut some cedar boards for my garden work bench and added a shelf for me. I re-organized, dumped some stuff, and recycled some. I can actually see what's in there now! All in all, we got a ton done! The yard looks so much better and we took a break today... and I feel good knowing I planted more food :) I hope we're mostly done, but I'm thinking about planting potatoes in a big can? Hmmm...

The 2 big girls watched Dave mow intently

My first Mr. Stripey!!!

Dave cut down a tree stake into 2 nice, rustic hose guides for me

Some Yummy Local Stuff-
I was down at a local coop and got some organic "Easter Egg" radishes, wow, they were so good! I always get several baguettes too, from a local baker who sells there. He used to have a French cafe, but the bakery got so big they closed the cafe! He has the best breads. They freeze great, just heat up, just like fresh...


Carolyn said...

Oh my gosh, that bread looks WONDERFUL!!

Glad the birds are all getting along....and not partying TOO much :)

Susan said...

I can't believe how big they've grown! They look so healthy and happy! It's such a relief when the two flocks get along - or, at least ignore each other. There is nothing worse than when there is a lot of fighting - stressful for everyone! That bread looks so delicious...sigh.

Unknown said...

Yes, they grow so fast! I'm just hankering for some eggs!

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

I agree, that bread looks delicious!