Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

May 21, 2017

Belated Mother's Day Fun, Great Deals, Gardening Projects & Prep

Grandpa with Oliver left, River right

Belated Mother's Day Fun-
We had a belated Mother's day potluck here at our house yesterday. Everyone's schedule was weird last weekend so we simplified. With two daughters with new families this year it was fun!  River will be one in a week, how time flies! I made a ham with this rub, simple and tasty, and everyone loved it! I used a real grainy mustard. Lots of leftover ham for this week. Tonite I made Oven Roasted Asparagus With Parmesan Cheese to go with it. Yummy!  I also bought a wonderful pineapple upside down cake from a local bakery and supplied beverages. Kids brought veggies and fruit side dishes. Perfect combo! I received a decorative tote full of Earth-friendly laundry products, and 2 big box store gift cards, designated for plants. I will buy our new things to plant later this week...


Great Deals-
First I got a great deal on a ham, 1/2 off for $10.00. I found this pretty, summer dress blouse for work at Ross for $10.00. It had some really gaudy gold buttons that I replaced with white. Free since I always have extra buttons! Much better. I found two thick cotton 6-packs of kitchen wash cloths for $3.00 each also at Ross. Mine were toast, and you can never have too many-

My favorite kitchen cloths are Ikea's spongy wash cloths, but I don't know when we will be there again I bought these. I looked everywhere for cotton ankle socks and finally found a 3 pack at the grocery store of all places!

Gardening Projects-
I have my seeds ready to go now that the weather has stabilized. It was 75 today, and going into the 80's mid week. More mild temps after that. Some, like the peppers will go into pots. The rest in various areas of the yard. I had never heard of the Purple Gleam poppies, pretty! I'm looking forward to trying the 2 varieties of sweet Italian peppers! We were going to try and plant our veggie starts this weekend, but it was too busy. I will spend my gift cards and use that to buy most of our veggies for this coming 3 day weekend. We decided it made more sense to have 3 days to tackle that. Tomatoes, cukes, squashes, peppers, etc. Dave spent almost the entire day today at our daughter's house. They spread bark dust, added a soaker hose, shrubs and flowers in a formerly dead parking strip. It's pretty now and will add some shade and pollinators. With the 2 girls being new homeowners (and having babies) we offered our help to get their gardens going. It's a lot of work! Our perennials here are doing great-

So green!

Our re-bark dusted area, weeded and cleaned up, lots of Chokecherries and Serviceberries this year!


Mama Pea said...

Great picture of "Grandpa" and the little ones.

You're in an area where once your winter is over, it's over and everything turns luscious green and starts to bloom. Up here in northern Minnesota winter seems to hang on with a death grip until one day, lo and behold, it's summer time. In the meanwhile, we're trying to be patient. (Arrrrgh, frost threatening again tonight. :o( )

Nancy In Boise said...

Yes that's usually the case but not this year. We had Weather in the 30s in the last 2 weeks crazy. So we did have a wet spring and some mild weather so everything really bloomed and grew quickly!

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

I actually made jam with service berries from my Mom's tree - a very seedy jam too. Great photo with the kids.

Susan said...

Love the picture of grandpa with the grands! It sounds like you had a wonderful - if belated - Mothers' Day. Why is it so hard to find cotton socks? Especially anklets? I had to shop all over creation last year to find some myself. Your gardens look so lovely - poppies are one of my favorite flowers.

Nancy In Boise said...

We eat ours fresh, they're so small...

Nancy In Boise said...

He really loves his grandbabies! And I don't know why it's so hard to find mostly just plain old Cotton socks, who knows? I have seen lots of synthetic ones but those don't work very well...

Rain said...

Hi Nancy! :) Look at all that green!!!!!!! We had a mini heat wave last week, but it's shivery cold again, sigh! I can't plant anything yet, I'm itching to start! My seedlings are going to explode through the window soon. I need to get some comfy summer dresses myself. If I had time, I'd get to the fabric store and sew some. The flowers are so pretty! I'm glad you're summer is here!

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks, yours will come