Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

May 16, 2017

More Crazy Weather and Growing Seasons

More Crazy Weather and Growing Seasons-
It's 46 degrees, thunder, lightning, hail and pouring rain. Snow is forecast in the surrounding areas. WHAT MONTH IS THIS??? 

Hail on the deck, some interesting "orbs" showed up

After our historic heavy snows, we were all looking forward to a nice warm batch of weather. It's just been a roller coaster. Last year this time I had my herbs and flowers bought and was planting-  

The last 2 years we had most of our warm weather veggies in the ground in May/early June. I'm glad I have held off. I'm wondering what our growing seasons are doing, with wild weather swings and monster severe weather? We used to have frost in Oct., then it was early Nov. This last winter we had record snow and now a very unstable spring. I'm just wondering what the rest of this year holds? We've been doing various projects in the gardens, but no summer veggies yet. The weather is supposed to warm up this weekend and for next week. The 70's will be great for getting some things in the ground. I just hope it holds up! 


Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

I remember a year we had snow in May, and a frost after I planted, so I am hesitant this year too. Until about Memorial day weekend.

Susan said...

It's crazy! I am planting slowly, holding my breath. Hail in May!?! Hope things settle down for you soon!

Nancy In Boise said...

We're going to shoot for this weekend for tomatoes and things and hope for the best. We have a half an inch of rain last night and it was crazy

Nancy In Boise said...

It's 37 degrees this morning but hopefully it's going to warm up tomorrow