Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Jul 31, 2016

Thrifting Scores! 100+ Degrees, Fast, Frugal Healthy Dinner

Thrifting Scores!
I scored some really great deals of some beautiful, and functional, things this weekend! Shown above at Goodwill I found two like-new one cup Polish Pottery teapots. My sister-in-law is of Polish origin and introduced me to their unique and gorgeous designs years ago. I recognized the colors and similar patterns. I got these two for $1.99 each! I found the vintage Newport silver plated tray for $2.00. It was really tarnished but cleaned up nicely. Perfect for the holiday, for food, or my creamer set. I found a new bamboo cutting board I needed, $5.00. I also found a nice, new-ish work blouse for $4.00. 

Silver tray, reflection of lemons :)

I found some adorable baby clothes for my Grandson River, several onesies, khaki pants and this summer overall, perfect with his safari themed bedroom! $2.00, cute seersucker, cool in the summer-

My daughter loved it too!

Today at a local thrift store I found a like new Land's End summer/spring jacket, navy blue with chambray trim, fit perfect, $4.00. I also found this bunny destined for some chalk paint for my French Country spring display. It's scratched up hollow clay so should take paint well, a whopping .69 cents, love it!!!


Cost Plus World Market recently moved into a much larger location. I had a 50% off coupon so we went on a field trip since we were up in that area. I knew I'd find something there! They had so MANY cute Mason jar like items I was tempted. I remembered I needed Olive oil and decided to get this large jug 1/2 off $20.00, now only $10.00, score!

All in all a very good batch of deals!!! Happy dance~~~

100+ Degrees-
It's just been so HOT lately, ugh. Thanks to A/C it could be much worse. The garden and trees etc. have been getting watered, but it just seems constant :(  85 is forecast for Wed., so a bit cooler. Hens have been getting cool treats and we're keeping the shade area well-watered and the mister on as well. A bit cooler tonite, 77 at 9:30 p.m. It's been in the 80's when we've been going to bed! I'm ready for fall. On the good side- we are getting out first tomatoes and I had my 1st amazing lemon cuke yesterday, still warm from the sun, delish! Tons of tomatoes on the vines, they seem to do well with the soaker hoses and extra hand watering. So far, so good. We have pears ripening (40 or 50 maybe?), still a bit hard but BIG. I see a French pear tart in my future!!! I'm groaning looking at all the apples on the tree, but will can again this summer and give some to my kiddos. 

Fast, Frugal Healthy Dinner-
I bought some of these salmon burgers last week at my local grocery store. I has bought something similar in the past at Costco. They were 4 burgers for $2.99. I made us each 2 for dinner since they were only 4 oz. I fried them in a little olive oil with dill and lemon pepper. Sorry no pics! I served with green salad, fresh lemon slices, and corn on the cob. I figured the whole dinner per person, was about $2.50 or so. I also used some Ikea lemon dill sauce, making it extra yummy. It looked much better than the photos above. Try some! I do make homemade salmon patties sometimes, but on a work night this is a faster option...


Mama Pea said...

I think you could have a very profitable career as a personal shopper. The bargains you do find!

Don't cha just love those lemon cucumbers? My daughter and I both eat them like apples with a little salt. Mine are still in the flowering stage yet.

Hope your temps drop soon. We're getting a little cooling from the 90s we've been having . . . only up to the 80s this coming week. Good for the garden . . . and probably good for us, too, as sweating releases lots of toxins from the body!! (Trying to look on the positive side here.)

Susan said...

Your thrifting bargains are amazing! I love salmon patties and I found a great recipe in my Whole30 workbook/cookbook. I love to make them in a large batch on the weekend and then freeze them to use during the week. Cute coveralls!

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks, either that I could do a flea market stand and make a lot of money selling things like that

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks, homemade are definitely much tastier

Mama Peck said...

Wow, you did score on those Polish Pottery cuties! I was lucky enough to live in Germany for a few years and we often went up to Poland to buy their pottery. It was still inexpensive back then. I was astonished when I got back home at how pricey it is here in the States. It is wonderful stuff. I use it daily and love it. Enjoy!

Nancy In Boise said...

Yes I recognized the pottery style when I saw it :)