Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Feb 2, 2014

Punxsutawney Phil Sees 6 More Weeks of Winter, How To Save Money Watching TV, Saving Money On Cell Phone Bills

Punxsutawney Phil Sees 6 More Weeks of Winter-
With another little snowstorm on the way here, and lows in the teens this week, sounds accurate....

How To Save Money Watching TV-
I read this excellent blog post here, Adventures in the Goodland and it got me thinking. We haven't been happy with our Dish bill, and many of my favorite shows are either gone, or available in another format. We may get a wii for Netflix, much cheaper than our current bill, with sports/exercises included. I can watch HBO, etc. in another form. My former favorite SYFY channel sucks now, with Eureka, and Warehouse 13 gone (soon). Only Haven left, sniff. Who watches wrestling and cheasy movie with poor spcial effects on SYFY? Anyway, the savings- $800.00 a year. I think we'll switch over in the spring since we'll need to install an antenna, and do more research. And finish up True Detective  Interesting reviews on antennas here by Consumer Reports. You can find your area here, as far as what's available channel-wise and what the signal strength is- FCC DTV Maps

I like the look of this antenna-

Saving Money On Cell Phone Bills
I decided that since I'm paying $30.00 a month to use a smart phone, for the data pack connected to ATT, that I'm going back to a texting, NON-smart device. I'm due for a free upgrade next month. I get a good discount thru my employer, but I have 2 computers at work, and 2 at home. I always have ZERO data usage, so what am I really paying for? Back to the basics for me. I am also looking into a "GoPhone" for $50.00 a month with unlimited text/talk and wireless. Just no data connection/use to ATT.  I can save $360.00 a year, or more, no loss of convenience for me. 

Total savings- over $1,000. per year I'd rather take a vacation, or, ah yes- all those home repairs :) 


Candy C. said...

It's actually feeling a little more wintery here the last few days after our above normal temps for almost all of January!
We switched to Direct TV awhile back and like it a whole lot better than Dish but it's still too expensive in my mind. Hubby can't do without all his channels though. ;)

Mama Pea said...

It never hurts to do a little research and see how you can save some money, does it? We have DirecTV but the very, very most basic package. Which is fine for us because we watch very little TV. 'Bout all we get are the 4 national channels through the nearest big city and a weather channel.

We have a cell phone (again very basic, it's not "smart" at all) that we use only for potential emergencies when driving.

We're your basic still-in-the-ice-age dinosaurs here.

Unknown said...

We've looked at all the options, and they're just too much. We like to watch tv, but are getting to the point of it's just not worth it...

Ohiofarmgirl said...

Thanks for the link back! And we dont have smart phone either - just dumb ones. We actually have one level down - tracphone from the dollar store. however we do the buy-mintes-and-use-by-the-minute thing.

Unknown said...

You're welcome!

hoosier girl said...

We gave up our Dish a couple years ago. Now we watch Netflix, Amazon Prime, and You Tube on our WII. Our antenna is ancient so we don't get a good selection of local channels- mostly PBS. Really the only time we miss it is when we want to watch football. Eh, no biggie!

Unknown said...

We canceled our cable years ago, we have Netflix which we enjoy. Amazing how you can save money! thanks for sharing on the HomeAcre Hop, hope to see you again tomorrow! - Nancy The Home Acre Hop