Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Feb 4, 2014

Schmaundt Schinken/Creamed Ham, How Do You Like The New Font?

                              Photo from Mennonite Girls Can Cook

Schmaundt Schinken/Creamed Ham-
When I found this recipe I knew I had to try it. Having part of my family coming from various parts of Europe, I knew that there's probably some Prussian in there too! It's here- Mennonite Girls Can Cook It's really pretty simple. I made it last night and it was fab! I served it with sour cream noodles and steamed broccoli. Yummy!!!

How Do You Like The New Font?
Too hard to read or ok? I wanted to try something new and went with "Indie Flower" on Blogger...


Susan said...

I like the new font! It's easy to ready - and that recipe looks delicious! I am bookmarking this post...

Mama Pea said...

That picture is enough to make a person drool!

I think the new font is just a tad bit hard to read . . . but I still like it a lot. (Does that make me wishy-washy??)

Unknown said...

Thanks. I may change the font, I just want something most folks can read easily...

Lisa Lynn said...

This looks yummy! Thanks for sharing on The HomeAcre Hop! Hope to see you again tomorrow!