Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Mar 16, 2021

Spring Has Sprung! Surgery Recovery, Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Spring Has Sprung!
It's been like Spring here, in the 60's and bulb/ flowers and more are coming up. It's been great to have the windows open later in the day since it's still been cold in the morning. The weather we're having is cold (30's/40's) in the morning and 62+ in the afternoon. Nice weather! 

It's crazy to see the heavy snow not too far from us and into the Midwest! My husband has some co-workers who were buried in Denver with two + feet of snow that was really hard to get cleared out by the city. Bummer! We have big garden renovation coming soon, on a budget of course! Going to re-locate some things and re-purpose. We have to make tough choices about what works, what takes too much time for the pay out. Resiliency and flexibility are key when you don't have much room. More to come! 

Happy Tooth in Retirement

Surgery Recovery-
My surgery went really well as has the recovery. It is a bit disconcerting when you hear that snap of a tooth coming out! After 3 injections of Novocain I was definitely numb. The dentist and the tech did a great job, have me under a blanket. I was definitely kind of rocky coming out though. I was glad I had Dave drive me both ways since it was disconcerting and a bit stressful. The first hour and a half was the worst after the surgery, since you have to bite down on a piece of gauze. I was able to get off pain meds the next day which was great! They definitely made me feel loopy. I've just been on OTC Ibuprphen and chewing on my other side for now. The great thing is as I can eat regular foods now.  No swelling which was really nice and I did some preventive measures for that. So thank you for all the nice posts and sending me some nice energy, it all helps!

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
Since I'm part Scotch-Irish I always celebrate the holiday. Luckily I had the foresight to put up my Saint Patrick's Day decor the night before my dental surgery! It's nice to have all my green things out. I was able to make Saint Patrick's Day dinner Sunday since I was feeling better. I always do corned beef and this year I did it in a crock pot. I always buy a square cut since it's a lot leaner than the tri cuts. I will say that meat prices have definitely gone up, I don't remember paying almost $7 a pound before! I always cook mine with several cloves of garlic crushed, black peppercorns, mustard seeds, and a bay leaf. It came out nice and tender and served with Yukon Gold potatoes, carrots, and cabbage. Since Dave did the grocery shopping for me I had not been able to pick out the meat myself. He got a really small piece. I sent him back today to get another piece since we ate it all over two nights! I was able to get up to Trader Joe's yesterday after work and get some really nice Irish Soda bread. That was a treat, moist with caraway seeds and raisins. 

Hope you all have a nice holiday if you celebrate it, if not you can go celebrate some Spring weather if you're having some.


Susan said...

I am so glad you have that over with! Dental surgery is always stressful, but it sounds like you were in good hands. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you and Dave!!

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks Susan! And I have zero tooth pain yesterday! Happy Saint Patrick's Day to you and your flock and critters

Mama Pea said...

Whew! Good to have that dental surgery done and hear you had a good recovery. Dental work (most of it anyway) is invasive and they say having anything done in your head causes more pain because it's so close to your brain and main nerve cord. 'Tis a wonder that dentists these days are able to do what they do with as little pain as they can.

I just found out yesterday (because of my daughter's genealogy work) that I have some Irish blood in me! I had always thought my maternal grandmother was Scotch through and through but we now know my great-great-great grandmother was Irish, married a lad from Scotland where they raised their family. So, here's to wearing o' the green!

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks Mama! Yes I was numb up to in front on my ear! Cool to find out where your peeps came from :) I think those boundaries varied too, gorgeous country...

Goatldi said...

Good to have the tooth go on and out with the old and in with the new. You but Irish butter I love that that is my one splurge every month as I buy it at Costco actually because they get the best price for the amount you get. Glad you’re doing better glad the holiday went well for you.

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks! Bought the butter once to try, interesting, firmer for sure. Will check Costco, thanks!