Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Mar 19, 2021

Happy Spring Equinox! Rare Seeds Rainbow Mixes!!!

Happy Spring Equinox!
About 3:30 a.m. tonight, in the Western Hemisphere, the days will be getting even longer! Enjoy!

 From Colorado Mix Yarrow

Rare Seeds Rainbow Mixes!
I got pretty excited when I saw some Yarrow seeds I hadn't seen before, too cool to pass up! Rare Seeds is formerly Baker Seeds. See above. Then I spotted these as well, what's not to love? 

Echinacea, Paradiso Mix

Lastly these, Cupid Zinnia mix-

Just in time for some seed starting soon. I also found some Old North Sea Strawberries, listed as:  This is a cold-hardy, old variety from Denmark; it was found growing in an ancient Viking village site. Plants are low-growing, which makes them harder to spot by birds and also protects the delicate fruit from frost-

I ordered some for an area we are going to open up. Happy dance!  I feel a bit behind with the whole abscessed tooth thing, lost 2 weeks basically, but life goes on! Happy to have some new things to plant on our little homestead!  


Judy said...

The flowers are so pretty. Strawberries are gonna be good. So much fun planting new things on your homestead. Glad your feeling better. Happy Spring.

Nancy In Boise said...

Yes Judy just in time for some big changes in our backyardenin area! Happy Spring to you too

Cockeyed Jo said...

I saw the Baker Creek ad, but didn't go into it. Happy Spring!

Nancy In Boise said...

Happy Spring!