Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Feb 17, 2018

Winter Is Back! Independence Days Challenge

Winter Is Back!
So now, according to legend, we're in for six more weeks of winter because Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow. Here in Boise he's spot on. The temps have plummeted, back into the 40's during the day, 20/30's at night. The forecast for this next week in highs in the 20's/30's, in the teens at night-

We were blessed with some good snow fall in the mountains and foothills this week, with more on the way tonite. We REALLY need more snow pack up there. On the news last night we're at 65% of normal right now, not good. A good snow pack keeps things greener longer = a shorter fire season, adds more water to the reservoirs for the public and agribusiness. I had put away some heavy sweaters and gotten out some lighter spring work clothes. Good thing I have a spare closet, since sweaters are coming back out! I'm hoping these temperatures won't hurt the garden since some bulbs were just starting to come up, way too early. Oh well, what can you do? Everything is well mulched, so we should be good, hopefully.

Independence days Challenge-
Here's a little wrap up of recent things going on here-
1. Plant Something- I found a sweet little thrift store pot, with tray, for $1.50, for transplanting my holiday gift from a work buddy, a spider plant, perfect in the kitchen! 

 2. Harvest Something- Eggs, that's it.

3. Preserve/Store Something- Shopping this week, see below, freezing foods.

4. Manage Reserves- Get a Good Deal/Barter/Stock Up/Prep- Our freezer is almost 1/2 empty so time to stock up. I designated some tax refund money to "fill the freezer". I'm going shopping for meat basically to add. I'll be looking for good deals on beef roasts and chicken primarily. Most of what's in there now is fruits, veggies, breads, cheese/butter- 

Hole to fill-

 5. Eat the Food- Try New Foods/Recipe- I thawed some frozen pesto to day to use on some big chicken breast. For diner tonite! Last week I bought this at Cost Plus World Market for Mardi Gras/Valentine's Day dinners-

Last year I used it with shrimp and veggies, this year I did chunks of chicken breast, peas and fresh spinach-

 Great served with warm french bread, spicy and tons of flavor!!! 

6. Build Community Food Systems- Nothing

7. Recycle/Re-Use- I just sold another item on Etsy, what fun! Nice Asian items that I don't need, at a great deal, to someone who wants them. Win-win. 

At Goodwill last week found thrift store pot, $1.50, great pair of Eddie Bauer like-new khaki slacks, $4.00. Found some great shoes on for work, cheap and free shipping.

Dave gave me this Japanese style stoneware vase years ago, made by a Portland potter. I really loved it, but it didn't really go with anything so it just sat in my china cabinet. I wanted to re-do it, but make it reversible if I hated it. Here's the before- 

I decided to cover just the script (some on the other side too) and leave the rest alone. I wanted to use hot glue and jute. I found this at Joann's-

Basically I started at the top back of the white clay and worked to the bottom-


It's not perfect, but I really like it! I may add some flowers or branches, but I love the texture and the still-exposed blue glaze. Dave did give his approval before hand.

8. Skill Up- I learned how to cover a vase. Dave and I are actively working on an Etsy craft/storage item, sneak peek-

9. Regenerate What is Lost/Salvage Something- Painting commences tomorrow on our master bedroom, peach, going to white/gray-

Anya had to get in on the photo-


Susan said...

Winter is back today, here, too - but wait! Temps in the 60s next week! I don’t know how the Maple syrup producers can deal with it. It’s so nice to see how well you and Dave work together!

Nancy In Boise said...

Hi Susan- Wow that's warm! I can see where that would be hard on the maple trees. Yes when I married I got a gem :)

Rain said...

Anya is so cute! :) Our weather is nuts. -20C to +5C in just a day...I am hoping for an early spring, it would be nice to have a good garden this summer! But I know better than to make plans before May lol!

Anonymous said...

We have snow here on the Southern Oregon coast! Doesn't happen very often. I am planting pepper seeds indoors while it is snowing outside.