Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Feb 23, 2018

A Little Something About Photos Of Me

Me, in my previous life

A Little Something About Photos Of Me-
I wanted to address something since it just came up and I was pretty surprised, actually. Recent comment here-

Kate said...
I would love to follow you, but, and please don't take this as an insult, it bothers me that you won't put a photo of yourself on your blog/facebook. It's like you want to connect with us, your readers, but you don't *really* want to connect. If I follow you, you'll see *my* face, right? I guess I like to see the person that I'm following and reading. Just something to think about.

I've been blogging for 6 years, reached people all over the planet, and I've never had anyone complain that there wasn't a photo of me on my blog. Or on my new Facebook page. It's never been important to ME what people look like if I'm following their blog/Facebook. I'm there for content. I loved Mama Pea's old photo with a pot on her head and a mug of hot cocoa for instance! Having worked in technology for a very long time I tend to lean towards more privacy, but I know that's a novel concept for some people. I've addressed this before in this blog about why I don't post more photos of my adult children, grand children or other specifics. I know lots of other bloggers like that as well. I know there are a lot of people in the world who let it all hang out through social media and that's their choice. They post everything about everyone with no thought for whether it's appropriate, or permanent. Personally I abhor "tagging" and facial recognition. I mean who needs to know this stuff? Big brother?

There are people who job hunt, for instance, who don't like the data that shows that potential employers will search your Facebook or other social media accounts. Those wacky photos of drunk and disorderly people, body parts hanging out, or worse, may not get them hired and then they wonder why? I've never really posted a photo of myself on this blog for a variety of reasons, mostly because I hate having my photos taken and I am sensitive about my appearance. If someone wants to see photos of me with the expectation that I'm 20 years old and a size one, sorry, not going to happen. There are some people that only want to socialize with people who look like them. Maybe they're from a certain racial/ethnic background, and are only comfortable with people that look similar. Or are the same same size, financial status, wear the same clothes? I could go on.

Anyway if you want to know what I look like click on the Facebook tab on the right side bar ,go to my Facebook page and you will find out! And if you don't like it I guess you can just visualize and use your creative, right sided part of your brain. I do have blue eyes! And for laughs on hating having your photos taken read this hysterical article, all the way to the bottom! Say Cheese


kate said...

What a warm and friendly face you have! Thanks for sharing with us :) I've read your blog for a long time and it's so nice to picture the author of a blog that I look forward very much to reading.

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks Kate!

Mama Pea said...

Very interesting post, Nancy. I'm right with you in that I don't like having my picture taken. I think there might be a picture or two hidden in my older blog posts that actually show my face, but usually I'd prefer appearing with the pot on my head.

I've corresponded privately with a few bloggers and we've exchanged pictures so we know what each other look like and it's been interesting to see if preconceived images match the real ones. But as far as needing to have a face to put with a blogger, I don't think I need it.

And, yes, there is the privacy thing. I've never joined Facebook because of that reason.

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks Mama, yes I hear you too! My hubby and I talked about whether he wanted photos up on the blog. I always ask to be sure before posting him.

Rain said...

You are a beauty Nancy. :)
I used to not like to show my photo, I was so super private. But in the last few years, I have become more of an open book. But as you say, it's a personal choice, though I don't use social media other than Blogger. I started an Instagram account lately, but only for my artwork.

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks Rain!

Anna of Stuffedveggies said...

I agree! I like seeing pictures of my online "friends" if they so desire, but I don't have any real need (emotional or otherwise) to know what you look like in order to enjoy your content. I also avoid putting pics of people on my blog, for the most part. I think it's just prudent. Lovely post : )

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks so much Anna!