Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Aug 21, 2016

Shed To Food Makeover, Next New Garden Bed, Antique/Thrifting Annex Mall Find! Apple Harvest

Shed To Food Makeover-
Sorry I haven't posted anything for 2 weeks. Life has been crazy with a back issue I have been dealing with for 2 months :( Dave has been great picking up the slack, but it was mentally exhausting. The good news is now things are getting much better! Happy dance!  So moving on.... 

This is our "bean garden" area we created last year when we down-sized our shed and decided to use the space for more food production. My beans pooped out last year, but did great this year! I planted Blue Lake Bush beans (I think)  no trellis needed. We used a soaker hose and they've done really well! They're loaded and last night I picked enough for 2 big dinner portions- 

I cooked 3 strips of bacon, with a diced small purple onion. I added the beans when that was cooked and added a little boiling water, excellent! The onion turned a bit sweet and combined with the bacon we wiped it out :) More on the plants to come! 

Sorry for the blur

Note my huge lemon tomato! Weird!

We're also getting a goof harvest of lemon cukes, tomatoes, basil, peppers and squash.

My fave summer salad- cukes, tomatoes, olive oil, balsamic vinegar and basil

We're also getting a steady, small supply of raspberries

Before shot, soil turned

Next New Garden Bed-
After Dave cleaned out our garden "junk drawer" corner, we decided to plant something on the L shaped section. On the right chicken wire side we will plant a nice Ouachita Thornless Blackberry we found locally for $8.99, with 2 big long branches. We held off planting this week, with temps pushing 100. We'll plant it in a few days, since it will be cooler. I'll plant a shrub in the fall that we need to relocate in front of the fence to finish it off. Maybe some annuals next spring? I asked Dave to add compost and  move some extra river stones from our little pond area to create a border. It looks more finished and ready to plant-

I may plant another pollinator in front of the vines like this one-

Poesy the neighbor cat cooling off in the heat :)

Antique/Thrifting Annex Mall Find!
I received an email from Yelp with the title Thrifting Finds, and  thought... what? Where? So I read it. It turns our what I thought was a small store is a 30,000 sq. foot warehouse, the Antique World Mall It has lots of different vendors, with large furniture to small items. While we didn't make it all the way through here are some shots of some of what I saw. Good prices and lots of variety!

Nice dishes

Fiesta ware 

Farmy fun stuff

Love the display!!!

I bought the vintage green spoon, $6.00 to go with my other green collection. I will go back again when we have more time, as it was a huge place!

Apple Harvest-
Our apples are getting ripe so I made am lasagna-pan sized cobbler with blueberries. I'll be canning soon! We gave our kids bags of apples (organic Pippins) but there' are more on the tree. I took a extra day off over the upcoming Labor Day holiday weekend, so I'll have 4 days off. Looking forward to that, and processing all the apples. Pears are still not quite ripe but BIG!


Mama Pea said...

Just love how you make use of every little corner of gardening space! Once again, people have no excuse for growing some of their food no matter how small an area they have to work with. You do such a good job of utilization.

Always enjoy your newsy posts. Hope your back issues are gone, gone, gone! To say back pain really puts a crimp in your style is a gross understatement!

hoosier girl said...

I think I could spend days in a mall like that. Maybe I'll have to visit Idaho soon.

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks mama, much better this week! Acupuncture really helped! Yes you can always squeeze more in!

Nancy In Boise said...

Yes it's huge!!!!☺

Goatldi said...

What a neat mall! I love my acupuncture work. Feel like a million dollars when it is done. Nice post!

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks, they had tons of great stuff!